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Leveling up?

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#1 kafuka

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Posted 03 May 2010 - 10:10 AM

Ive noticed an annoying thing but not sure how to fix it. In WOTR When leveling an battalion up to lvl 10 with theodens gift.
Works fine when selecting the battalion it shows both in the unit Portrait to the left and the pop up text window. But when i enter
a new Real time battle the info is changed. The unit portrait still says lvl10 but the popup text says lvl2 and i can redo the thing
with theodens gift so the pop up text says lvl10 again. So is the battalion still lvl10 or lvl2? Feels like lvl2 because the battalion
die just as fast as an lvl2 of the same kind. Dont know if you understand what i mean (have not the best english) what should
i look at to keep the level up dudes in my moving army?

#2 kafuka

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Posted 20 May 2010 - 05:12 PM

Been trying to solve this problem for awhile now. In WOTR of course. This doesnt affect skirmish because you dont get to keep the army between the battles.
Ive figured that theres no problem with the unit objects. Ive tried building units instead of hordes and then theres no problem at all. But when building hordes the units doesnt keep their previous gained level. I think that the horde object spawns new units everytime you enter a new rts battle. But i really dont know why and how or if possible change that. I remember from bfmeI (if i remember correctly havent played it for years and lost the game... :() after you finished the campaign you could still play and conquer the rest of the world.. dont think there was a problem with transporting the horde/units and mainaining the same conditions.. but could be wrong. posted some images to illustrate. oh banner carriers works.

Attached Thumbnails

  • ringo.JPG
  • banner.JPG

#3 Puzzler33

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Posted 21 May 2010 - 04:20 PM

Is the coding for wotr even accessible?
Posted Image

#4 kafuka

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Posted 21 May 2010 - 05:20 PM

It uses the same files as skirmish except for the livingworld inis and incs + armysummarydescription.. or have i missed something obvious ?
The Horde progress fine in experiencelevels and so does the banner carrier.. but the units in the horde starts over from level 1 or if upgraded with basictraining
from level 2 each new rts battle.

#5 kafuka

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 06:37 PM

Did this. Its not pretty but it works.
First in experiencelevels add the upgrade to each level. Then in horde objects i added this.

Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_BasicTraining2
		TriggeredBy 			= Upgrade_ObjectLevel2
		LevelsToGain 			= 1
		LevelCap 			= 2
	Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_BasicTraining3
		TriggeredBy 			= Upgrade_ObjectLevel3
		LevelsToGain 			= 1
		LevelCap 			= 3
	Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_BasicTraining4
		TriggeredBy 			= Upgrade_ObjectLevel4
		LevelsToGain 			= 1
		LevelCap 			= 4
	Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_BasicTraining5
		TriggeredBy 			= Upgrade_ObjectLevel5
		LevelsToGain 			= 1
		LevelCap 			= 5
	Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_BasicTraining6
		TriggeredBy 			= Upgrade_ObjectLevel6
		LevelsToGain 			= 1
		LevelCap 			= 6
	Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_BasicTraining7
		TriggeredBy 			= Upgrade_ObjectLevel7
		LevelsToGain 			= 1
		LevelCap 			= 7
	Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_BasicTraining8
		TriggeredBy 			= Upgrade_ObjectLevel8
		LevelsToGain 			= 1
		LevelCap 			= 8
	Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_BasicTraining9
		TriggeredBy 			= Upgrade_ObjectLevel9
		LevelsToGain 			= 1
		LevelCap 			= 9
	Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_BasicTraining10
		TriggeredBy 			= Upgrade_ObjectLevel10
		LevelsToGain 			= 1
		LevelCap 			= 10

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