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An old (but interesting) balance suggestion list

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#1 Rygar


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Posted 09 May 2010 - 09:54 PM

Yellow Text = New or Edited.

------( Global )------

Garrisons - Repairable by Engineers (Only when Red).

Neutral Tech Structures - All Neutral Tech Structures have One Space Build Radius, Allowing Walling In or Turrents.

Oil Derrick - Increased Health to 2500 from 1500.

Observation Post - Rewards $1000 Credits on First Capture.

Reverse Move Penalty - Reduced Reverse Move Penalty from -30 Reverse Speed to -10 Reverse Speed.

Directional Armor Bonus - Increased Directional Armor Bonus from +5% Armor Bonus to +15% Armor Bonus.

Protocol Points - Removed the 1 Free Protocol Point given to All Players at the Start of the Game.
Protocol Points - Increased the Total Protocol Points a Player can Get in a Game, from Maxed at 10 Points in a 33-66 min Game. To Maxed at 15 Points in a 48-96 min Game.

Selling Upgraded Structures - Selling will Refund 50% of the Upgraded value on the Structure.

Select all Matching Units (W) Key - Will Now Work On Structures as well.

Soviet Structures - Soviet Structures under construction will Instantly Cancel if No Build Radius is present.

Fortress Walls - Build time Increased to 10 sec. from 5 sec.
Fortress Walls - Friendly Walls now link, No matter the faction.
Fortress Walls - Low Funds no longer stops you from placing the full distances of your walls.

Engineers - Any Engineers Not Moving to Capture, are now Considered as Combat Units, "Select All" & "Combat Drag Select" applies to them.

Match Starting MCV - Grinding a Match Starting MCV, Only Rewards $1875, was $3750.

Removed all air nerf. Re-balanced shogun battleship.

Match Starting Construction Yard - Selling a Match Starting Construction Yard, Only Rewards $1250, was $2500.

Ultimate & Super Weapons - When Fully Charged They No Longer Reveal Them Selves to the Enemy.

------( Allied Infantry )------

Attack Dog - Reduced Cost to $100 from $200.
Attack Dog - Health Increased to 40 from 30.
Attack Dog - Amplified Bark's "Graphic Effect" increased in size to match its Full Stun Radius.

Peace Keeper - Build Time Increased to 6 sec. from 5 sec.

Javelin Soldier - Cost Increased to $350 from $300.
Javelin Soldier - Increased Resistance to Explosive Damage by 50%.

Allied Engineer - First-Aid Tent's Heal Radius Doubled in Size.
Allied Engineer - First-Aid Tents are now Immune from Dog Attacks.
Allied Engineer - First Aid Tents are now Uncrushable by Tier 2 Vehicles.
Allied Engineer - Now Trainable from Boot Camps & Seaports.

Spy - Reduced Cost to $500 from $1000.
Spy - Spies are now Uncrushable by Tier 2 Vehicles.
Spy - "Bribe" Cost Increased to $2000 from $1000.
Spy - If "Bribe" Fails, you'll be Refunded $1900.
Spy - Credits go into the Negatives Now, Allowing "Bribe" Even on Low Funds.
Spy - Disguise Icon now Appears when Moused over a Friendly Infantry Unit.
Spy - Increased Vision Radius from Standard to Scout Radius, Allowing Disguise Changing before getting Seen.

Tanya Adams - Reduced "Time Belt" Cool-down to 20 sec. from 30 sec.
Tanya Adams - Tanya Now uses the same Progression Bar that Engineers use to Enter Structures.
Tanya Adams - Progression Bar Times Listed.
0 sec. = Units, Base Defense, Small Powers, Garrisons, Boot Camp, Barracks, Dojo I, Outpost, Command Hub I.
1 sec. = Battle Lab, Nanotech Mainframe, Defence Bureau Airbase, Airfield, Refineries, Dojo II, Command Hub II.
2 sec. = Navel Yard, Seaport, Imperial Docks I. Dojo III, Command Hub III.
2 sec. = Warfactory, Armor Facility, Mecha Bay I, Imperial Docks II.
3 sec. = Civilian Tech, Crusher Crane, Mecha Bay II, Imperial Docks III.
3 sec. = Construction Yards, Super-Reactor, Super Weapons, Ultimate Weapons. Mecha Bay III.

------( Allied Army )------

Prospector - Reduced Build Time for Prospectors from Armor Facility & Seaport to 5 sec. from 20 sec.
Prospector - Self-Repairs In & Out of Combat as a Defensive Bonus.

Multi-Gunner IFV - (Attack Dog) Increases IFV Movement Speed to 150 from 120.
Multi-Gunner IFV - (Attack Dog) Increases IFV Vision Radius from Standard to Scout Radius.
Multi-Gunner IFV - (Peace Keeper) Increases IFV Health to 460 from 360. (is it possible?)
Multi-Gunner IFV - (Javelin Soldier) Increases IFV Range to 325 from 200.
Multi-Gunner IFV - (Engineer) Spawns a Repair Drone, Standard Leash Range, Repair Drone Is destroyed when Engineers Exits the IFV.

Athena Cannon - Increases Range to 800 from 500, When Targeting an Aircraft Carrier, Dreadnought or Shogun Battleship.
Athena Cannon - Reduced Minimum Range to 150 from 275.

Mirage Tank - Mirage Tanks can now Attack and use Gap Generator at the same time, But Its Damage is Reduced to 60 from 120.

------( Allied Air Force )------

Apollo Fighter - Apollos Now use a "Blue Lock-On Laser" when Targeting Ground & Sea Targets.
Apollo Fighter - "Blue Lock-On Lasers" have a Range of 400.
Apollo Fighter - The Blue Laser Allows Vindicator Bombs to Seek the Target, and Attack from a Safer Range of 300 Instead of 100.
Apollo Fighter - The Blue Laser Allows Carrier Drone Bombs to Seek the Target, and Attack from a Safer Range of 300 Instead of 100.

Cryocopter - Using S.H.R.I.N.K. on a Friendly unit will no longer trigger the S.H.R.I.N.K. Rays Cool-Down.
Cryocopter - When Destroyed, Cryocopters Spread a Cryo Ground Freeze on Impact, Equal in Duration, Damage and Radius of a Level One Cryoshot.

Century Bomber - Increased Century Bombers Passenger Count to 8 from 5.
Century Bomber - Century Bombers now use Two Abilities, "Return to Base" & "Paradrop".
Century Bomber - If Not Transporting Infantry, or after Dropping its Infantry, "Paradrop" is Replaced by "Return to Base".
Century Bomber - When Carrying Infantry, "Return to base" is Replaced with "Paradrop".
Century Bomber - Amphibious Infantry may now be Paradroped into Water, Non-Amphibious Infantry will Remain in the Century Bomber.
Century Bomber - Standard Fly Speed Changes Based on Health Level, Green:130, Yellow:150, Red:170. Original Fly Speed was 150.
Century Bomber - "Return to Base" Speed Changes Based on Health Level, Green:140, Yellow:160, Red:180. Original "Return to Base" Speed was 150.

------( Allied Navy )------

Dolphin - Build Time Reduced to 8 sec. from 10 sec.
Dolphin - Dolphin - "High Jump" Heals the Dolphin for 75 Health and Submerges the Dolphin for 15 sec.

Riptide ACV - Amphibious Infantry may now be Evacuated into Water, Non-Amphibious Infantry will Remain in the Riptide.

Hydrofoil - Increased Hydrofoils Gatling Cannon Range while under the effects of S.H.R.I.N.K, to 200 from 175.

Assault Destroyer – Now use depth charges versus submerged units.

------( Allied Structures )------

Power Plant - Reduced Build Time to 5 sec. from 10 sec.

Allied Construction Yard - Adds +50 Power for each upgrade level.
Allied Construction Yard - Adds 500 Health for each upgrade level. (Structure only).

Command Hub - Adds +25 Power for each upgrade level.

Airbase - Removed the "Return to Base" Ability and Replaced it with a "Sell Aircraft Ability".
Airbase - The "Sell Aircraft" Ability Allows the player to sell All (His/her) Aircraft on the Airbase Pads for 50% of there cost.

Defence Bureau - Reduces Pop-Up Time for Turrets & Towers to 2 sec. from 20 sec.
Defence Bureau - Buildable after an Armour Facility or Airbase.

Multi-Gunner Turret - Selling a Garrisoned Multi-Gunner Turret will no longer kill the Infantry Unit Inside.
Multi-Gunner Turret - (Javelin Soldier) Increases Turrets Anti-Air Range to 600 from 300. Ground Range Remains at 300.
Multi-Gunner Turret - (Javelin Soldier) Increases Turrets Resistance to Explosive Damage from 0% to 50%.
Multi-Gunner Turret - (Spy) Increases Turrets Range to 450 to 300.
Multi-Gunner Turret - (Engineer) Automatically Activates Repair Mode on (Your) Damaged Structures & Walls.

Spectrum Tower - Linking Spectrum Towers Only Need 50 Power each To be Operational.

------( Allied Protocols )------

Surveillance Sweep - Disables all Enemy Mini-Maps for 20 sec. After it Completes its Fly threw on the Map.

Advanced Aeronautics - Removed Ammo Increase, The Ammo Increase comes standard on all allied Aircraft.

------( Soviet Infantry )------

Conscript - Reduced Cost to $75 from $100.
Conscript - Build Time Reduced to 3 sec. from 4 sec.
Conscript - Increased Run Speed to 55 from 50.
Conscript - Increased "Molotov Cocktail" Damage to 12 from 8.
Conscript - Garrisoned Conscripts use "AK-47"s to Attack Infantry & Terror Drones.
Conscript - Garrisoned Conscripts use "Molotov Cocktails" to Attack Vehicles & Strutures.
Conscript - "Molotov Cocktail" Travel Speed Increases by 50%, When Targeting a Garrasion.

War Bear - Reduced Cost to $200 from $225.
War Bear - Build Time Increased to 4 sec. from 2 sec.
War Bear - Amplified Roars "Graphic Effect" increased in size to match its Full Stun Radius.

Soviet Engineer - Increased Revolver Range to 225 from 150.
Soviet Engineer - Credits go into the Negatives Now, Allowing "Battle Bunker" Even on Low Funds.
Soviet Engineer - Now Trainable from Barracks & Navel Yards.

Flak Trooper - Cost Reduced to $375 from $400.
Flak Trooper - Increased "Flak Cannon" Damage to 27 from 23.
Flak Trooper - Increased Run Speed When in Magnetic Mines Mode to 55 from 50.
Flak Trooper - Increased Resistance to Explosive Damage from 0% to 50%.

Tesla Trooper - Increased Health to 250 from 200.
Tesla Trooper - Tesla Troopers now Self-Heal when out of Combat.
Tesla Trooper - Increased Resistance to Radiation from 0% to 90%.

Natasha Volkova - Pilot Snipe Cool-Down Reduced to 45 sec. from 1 min.
Natasha Volkova - Pilot Snipe Usable on Air Units, Causing the Air Unit to Crash.
Natasha Volkova - Increased Laser Painter Range to 325 from 300.

------( Soviet Army )------

Terror Drone - Repairable by Base Repair Drones.
Terror Drone - Captured Garage Structures now Repair Terror Drones.

Sickle - Increased Health to 500 from 450.
Sickle - Increased Triple Machine Gun Range to 250 from 200.

Bullfrog - Increased Bullfrogs Passenger Count to 6 from 5.
Bullfrog - Increased Bullfrogs Flak Connon Range while under the effects of S.H.R.I.N.K, to 200 from 175.
Bullfrog - Amphibious Infantry may now be Ejected into Water, Non-Amphibious Infantry will Remain in the Bullfrog.

Soviet Ore Collector - Reduced Build Time for Collectors from War Factory & Naval Yard to 5 sec. from 20 sec.
Soviet Ore Collector - Collectors with Reactive Armor are considered as Combat Units, "Select All" & "Combat Drag Select" applys to them.

Sputnik - Cost Reduced to $600 from $1200.
Sputnik - Reduced Build Time to 5 sec. from 20 sec.

V4 Rocket Launcher - Increased "Multi-Warheads" Range to 550 from 500.
V4 Rocket Launcher - Increases Range to 800 from 500 for Both Modes, When Targeting an Aircraft Carrier, Dreadnought or Shogun Battleship.
V4 Rocket Launcher - "Multi-Warheads" No Longer damages Friendly Units & Strutures.

Apocalypse Tank - Increased Build Time to 30 sec. from 20 sec.
Apocalypse Tank - Increased Main Cannons Range to 250 from 200.
Apocalypse Tank - Reduced Explosive Damage Taken from +250% to +150%, While in "Main Cannon" Mode.
Apocalypse Tank - Requires Battle Lab & Crusher Crane to build.

------( Soviet Air Force )------

Twinblade - Amphibious Infantry & Vehicles may now be Evacuated into Water, Non-Amphibious Infantry & Vehicles will Remain in the Twinblade.

MiG Fighter - Increased "Return to Base" Speed to 300 from 262.
MiG Fighter - MiGs Now use a "Green Lock-On Laser" when Targeting Ground & Sea Targets.
MiG Fighter - "Green Lock-On Lasers" have a Range of 400.
MiG Fighter - The Green Laser Allows V4 Precision Rockets to Home-In on the Target.
MiG Fighter - The Green Laser Allows Dreadnought Rockets to Home-In on the Target.

Kirov Airship - Cost Reduced to $2250 from $2500.
Kirov Airship - Increased Health to 6500 from 6000.
Kirov Airship - Increased "Gastroburners" Speed Boost from 55 to 65.
Kirov Airship - Increased "Propellers" Speed from 30 to 35.

------( Soviet Navy )------

Stingray - Build Time Reduced to 8 sec. from 10 sec.
Stingray - Increased (Land) Movement Speed to 60 from 50.

Dreadnought - "Sacrifice Launcher's" Increase Missiles Travel speed by 25%.
Dreadnought - "Sacrifice Launcher's" Increase Missiles Range to 900 from 750.

------( Soviet Structures )------

Barracks - Heals Nearby Infantry in a Larger Radius.

Crusher Crane - Crusher Cranes are No longer Allowed to build from Both Building Tabs at the same time.

Sentry Gun - Sentry Guns Remain Operational during Low Power, But will still Tax the Power Grid for -25 Power.

------( Soviet Protocols )------

Grinder Treads - This Protocol now applies to the Sickles Flea Jump kills, by adding Metal Grinders under the Sickle.

Desolator Airstrike - Reduces Natasha's Airstrike Time to 4.5 sec. from 5 sec.
Desolator Airstrike - Allows Toxic Corrosion to be used on Enemy Tier 1 Vehicles.

Desolator Duel-Airstrike - Reduces Natasha's Airstrike Time to 4 sec. from 4.5 sec.
Desolator Duel-Airstrike - Allows Toxic Corrosion to be used on Enemy Tier 2 Vehicles.

Desolator Delta-Airstrike - Reduces Natasha's Airstrike Time to 3.5 sec. from 4 sec.
Desolator Delta-Airstrike - Allows Toxic Corrosion to be used on Enemy Tier 3 Vehicles.

Magnetic Satellite - Rewards a 5% Bounty when Destroying a Vehicle or Structure with "Magnetic Mines" & "Magnetic Harpoon".

Super-Magnetic Satellite - Rewards a 10% Bounty when Destroying a Vehicle or Structure with "Magnetic Mines" & "Magnetic Harpoon".
Super-Magnetic Satellite - Accelerate in Speed for its Final 1 sec.

Ultra-Magnetic Satellite - Rewards a 15% Bounty when Destroying a Vehicle or Structure with "Magnetic Mines" & "Magnetic Harpoon".
Ultra-Magnetic Satellite - Accelerate in Speed for its Final 2 sec.

------( Imperial Infantry )------

Burst Drone - Cost Reduced to $200 from $300.
Burst Drone - You can now Cancel a "Self-Destruct”.
Burst Drone - Attached Burst Drones No longer Get Damaged by Friendly Fire in Battle.
Burst Drone - Burst Drones No longer show-up on Enemy Mini-Maps while Attached.

Imperial Warrior - Cost Increased to $175 from $150.

Tankbuster - Cost Increased to $325 from $300.
Tankbuster - Self-Heals when in its Spider Burrow.
Tankbuster - Tankbusters No longer show-up on Enemy Mini-Maps while in a Spider Burrow.

Imperial Engineer - Cost Reduced to $400 from $500.
Imperial Engineer - Sprints Duration Incresed to 30 sec. from 10 sec.
Imperial Engineer - Sending Your Engineer into one of your Fully Repair Imperial Strutures or Defences, Will make It Re-Furl into a Nano Core.
Imperial Engineer - The Imperial Engineer Exits When the Re-Furling is Complete.
Imperial Engineer - Now Trainable from Instant Dojos & Imperial Docks.

Shinobi - Cost Reduced to $750 from $1000.
Shinobi - While Exiting the Dojo, Shinobi are Inmune to Auto-Targeting for 2 sec.
Shinobi - Shinobi Recover 50 Health each Time they kill a Unit.

Rocket Angel - Cost Reduced to $800 from $900.
Rocket Angel - Rocket Angels now Self-Heal when In & Out of Combat.
Rocket Angel - Increased Top speed to 120 from 100.

Yuriko Omega - Psychokinetic Burst Art Effect increased in size to match its Full Kill Radius.

------( Imperial Army )------

Sudden Transport - Cost Increased to $750 from $500.
Sudden Transport - Increased Vision Radius from Standerd to Scout Radius, Allowing Disguise Changing before getting Seen.
Sudden Transport - Heals Nearby Infantry in a Small Radius When not Disguised.
Sudden Transport - Amphibious Infantry may now be Evacuated into Water, Non-Amphibious Infantry will Remain in the Sudden Transport.

Mecha Tengu - Health Increased to 360 from 350.
Mecha Tengu - Auto-Cannons Ground Range Increased to 225 from 200.

Imperial Ore Collector - Cost Reduced to $1200 from $1400.
Imperial Ore Collector - Reduced Build Time for Collectors from Mecha Bay & Imperial Docks to 5 sec. from 20 sec.
Imperial Ore Collector - Collectors with Security System are considered as Combat Units, "Select All" & "Combat Drag Select" applys to them.

Wave-Force Artillery - Increased Wave-Force Artillerys Range to 550 from 500.
Wave-Force Artillery - Increases Range to 800 from 500, When Targeting an Aircraft Carrier, Dreadnought or Shogun Battleship.
Wave-Force Artillery - Reduced Minimum Range to 150 from 275.

King Oni - Using 'Bull Rush" on a Garrison will force out all Infantry and stun them for 5 sec.

Nano Core - Cores now Explode when destroyed, killing any infested terror drone Inside.
Nano Core - Nano Cores can be Returned to the Imperial Construction Yard for a full Cost Refund. Nano Core - Re-Furling Nano Cores will still Keep There Upgrades.

------( Imperial Air Force )------

Jet Tengu - Health Increased to 360 from 350.
Jet Tengu - Auto-Cannons Anti-Air Damage to Apollos & Migs Increased to 40 from 34.5. .

------( Imperial Navy )------

Yari Mini-Sub - Build Time Reduced to 8 sec. from 10 sec.

------( Imperial Structures )------

Generator - Infiltrating a Generator will Disable All Defences from 30 sec.

Instent Dojo - Instant Dojos Start with No Build Radius.
Instant Dojo - "Dojo Upgrade I" Gives the Dojo a Two Space Build Radius.

Imperial Ore Refinery - Increased Build Radius to 4 Rows All Around, Allowing Walls and Team Defensive Structure Placement.

Imperial Docks - Increased "Docks Upgrade I" Research Time to 60 sec. from 30 sec.
Imperial Docks - Increased "Docks Breakthrough II" Research Time to 90 sec. from 30 sec.

Defender VX - Defender VX Towers Remain Operational during Low Power, But will still Tax the Power Grid for -25 Power.
Defender VX - Power Needed for Mode Changing.
Defender VX - Increased Resistance to Explosive Damage from 0% to 25%. when in Air-Destroyer Mode.

Wave-Force Tower - Wave-Force Towers Remain Operational during Low Power, But will still Tax the Power Grid for -75 Power.

------( Imperial Protocols )------

Fortified Fleet - Increases Nano Core Speed to 75 from 65. (Defender VX Core to 70 from 60).
Fortified Fleet - Increases Nano Core Health to 600 from 400, (Defender VX Core to 400 from 200).

Honorable Discharge - Reduced Honorable Discharge Damage to 50% from 100%. for Non-Suicidal Empire Vehicles.
Honorable Discharge - The Yari Mini-Sub, Sudden Transport, Burst Drone, Final Squadron, Final Squadron X & Final Squadron Omega All have a Flat 100% Honorable Damage bonus with this Protocol.

Emperor's Rage - Upgrades Imperial Fortress Walls Health to 400 from 300.
Emperor's Rage - Upgrades Honorable Discharge Damage by 60% for Non-Suicidal.

Emperor's Revenge - Upgrades Imperial Fortress Walls Health to 500 from 400.
Emperor's Revenge - Upgrades Honorable Discharge Damage by 70% for Non-Suicidal.

Emperor's Retribution - Upgrades Imperial Fortress Walls Health to 600 from 500.
Emperor's Retribution - Upgrades Honorable Discharge Damage by 80% for Non-Suicidal.

Final Squadron - (Un-Changed) Select (1) Target, 5 Sunburst Drones, Laser Range of 500.

Final Squadron X - Increases each Squadron to 6 Sunburst Drones (12 Total) & Increases Laser Range to 750 from 500.
Final Squadron X - Select (2) Targets to send 6 Sunburst Drones to Each.

Final Squadron Omega - Increases each Squadron to 8 Sunburst Drones (24 Total) & Increases Laser Range to 1000 from 500.
Final Squadron Omega - Select (3) Targets to send 8 Sunburst Drones to Each.

Balloon Bombs - Disables any Electrical Systems, 1 sec. on Vehicles & 5 sec. on Structures.
Balloon Bombs Blowout - Disables any Electrical Systems, 2 sec. on Vehicles & 10 sec. on Structures.
Balloon Bombs Barrage - Disables any Electrical Systems, 3 sec. on Vehicles & 15 sec. on Structures.

------( Interface )------

Tab Selection Screen - Displays the Ammo of each unit selected in your group.
Tab Selection Screen - Displays the Rank of each unit selected in your group.
Tab Selection Screen - You can now use the Tab key to Select between Unit of the same type.

Alternate Tab Portrait (Peace Keeper) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Shotgun" from "Riot Shield".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Allied Engineer) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "First-Aid Tent" from "Pack Up".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Javelin Soldier) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Self-Guided Mode" from "Laser-Guided Mode".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Guardian Tank) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Main Gun" from "Target Painter".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Mirage Tank) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Strike Mode" from "Gap Generator".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Hydrofoil) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "AA Gun" from "Weapon Jammer".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Assault Destroyer) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Main Gun" from "Black Hole Armour".

Alternate Tab Portrait (Conscript) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Assault Rifle" from "Molotov Cocktails".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Flak Trooper) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Flak Cannon" from "Magnetic Mines".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Tesla Trooper) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Tesla Coil guns" from "EM Distributors".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Terror Drone) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Dismantler Claws" from "Electro-Stasis Ray".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Soviet Ore Collector) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Cargo Bay" from "Reactive Armour".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Hammer Tank) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Main Weapons" from "Leech-Beam".
Alternate Tab Portrait (V4 Rocket Launcher) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Precision Warheads" from "Multi-Warheads".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Apocalypse Tank) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Main Cannons" from "Magnetic Harpoon Mode".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Kirov Airship) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "propellers" from "Gastroburners".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Dreadnought) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Safe Mode" from "Sacrifice Launchers".

Alternate Tab Portrait (Tankbuster) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Leave Burrow" from "Spider Burrow".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Imperial Ore Collector) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Cargo Bay" from "Security System".
Alternate Tab Portrait (Rocket Angel) - New Tab Portrait to Separate "Combat Mode" from "Paralyses Whip".
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