-"wallpaper" file is a quick job made by me, to support Fafniros. Its a wallpaper for pc with F18 and F16 on it, from Contra ofcourse.
- "karkadann" file is a wallpaper with new GLA tank which would appear in 008 version.
-"F35" file is wallpaper with stealth AT airforce unit, upgraded with straightflow engines, flying over Bangkok at night (yes Casojin, while you were sleeping)
- "fafnir" is "capture" of fafnirs crush over the pitty gla streets
- "china forces" is first Contra 008 wallpaper with some china units caught in my backyard in early morning
- "spiders showdown", another 008 wallpaper, spiders are tearing apart one scorpion tank
- "fafnirs crushover" again on poor scorpion tank (a little bit snowy theme)
- "sparrowhawk" is my first wallpaper whole made in 3dsmax without any other software (like photoshop...)
- "laser forces", laser Paladins with new Comanches
- "wrecked bixi", destroyed bixi in ocean while transporting overlord
Ofcourse, here must be link to my first art about Contra, its a comic book "When Blood takes over"
When Blood takes over
Facebook fan site
008 version video update
Wallpapers on Facebook
Dr.Lord`s stuff:
China video
Edited by dcesarec, 07 January 2011 - 08:49 AM.