So, the staff is working on hard on 3.0 and closed multiplayer tests are under way. There's still plenty to be done, but things are looking pretty good. Ares 0.2 is still in development and there are some bugs that are yet to be fixed, also - they're looking for staff members so if you want and you're able to help you know where to go.
Let's start with new units!
Blizzard Tank
Stallion Transport
Borillo (Water version)
Now some comments to these new and updated units. Blizzard Tank is no longer a Greek unit. Aeroblaze is no longer British. Stallion Transport is Nighthawk's replacement. Barracuda is better than ever. Scavenger still belongs to the Scorpion Cell. Borillo is an amphibious transport and makes use of water state function from Tiberian Sun, reenabled by Ares.
As for Seawolf - first there was Sea Scorpion, then there was Akula, then there was Sea Scorpion again for a short while but in the end, there will be Seawolf - Soviet naval unit designed to remove threats by the shore and destroy enemy aircraft. Oh, and Killer Whale is no longer in.
So, I've said that there were some changes in countries.. big ones. Those who follow our mini-updates in the web have already seen these but don't know the answer to the question - what exactly are these? These are the flags of sub-sides in Mental Omega 3.0:
Starting from left - China, Latin Confederation, Russia, Euro Alliance, Pacific Front, United States, Psychic Corps, Scorpion Cell, Epsilon Headquarters. Each of the subsides will have a set of unique features and no, we are not doing it strictly Zero Hour way.
There were some ideas for new features and we thought that it would be bad to give it all to a single side and keep the one-unit-for-country logic, since that would be too much. You can only guess who gets what, but it's already been written on ModDB that Aeroblaze is now American, for example. Also, we are no longer doing initial veterancies for the sub-sides.
New maps have been posted on our ModDB profile. From left - Turtle Village (2), Paradox Spiral (2-3), Twilight Frost (2-8), Apocalypse Now (2-5), Cloud Nine (2), Caldera of Chaos (2-3). Yes, Turtle Village is in Japan and there will be missions in Japan. Yes, Japan is a part of the Pacific Front.
In other news, CNCNZ has done an interview about the mod, you can read it here. Some new info about upcoming Mental Omega 3.0 included. Three new promo pics to accompany the interview were made, one of them is from a new Allied mission "Heaven and Hell". It's currently the second mission in chronological order.
I'd also like to mention that we are still looking for a 2D Graphic Artist to help us with background screens, promo stuff etc. If you're interested, send PM to me or mail us - .
You may also check out the List of Yuri's Revenge mods (with download links) I created recently. It's the most up-to-date list of modifications for Yuri's Revenge that were created or are under development.
Stay tuned, more to come soon!
Edited by Speeder, 20 February 2012 - 02:04 PM.