I can get every other building to level from making Units, but the Mumakil Pen will not level up. I've tried multiple combinations of UpgradeMordorMumakilPenLevel, and Upgrade_Structure, and both combined. I also tried multiple numbers in the experience required fields with no luck too. What am I missing?
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Commandset.ini CommandSet MordorMumakilPenCommandSetLevel1 1 = Command_ConstructMordorMumakil ;;;2 = Command_UpgradeMordorMumakilPenLevel2 6 = Command_Sell End CommandSet MordorMumakilPenCommandSetLevel2 1 = Command_ConstructMordorMumakil ;;;2 = Command_UpgradeMordorMumakilPenLevel3 6 = Command_Sell End CommandSet MordorMumakilPenCommandSetLevel3 1 = Command_ConstructMordorMumakil 6 = Command_Sell End ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Commandbutton.ini ****Not using but including in post*** CommandButton Command_UpgradeMordorMumakilPenLevel2 Command = OBJECT_UPGRADE Object = MordorMumakilPen Upgrade = Upgrade_MordorMumakilPenLevel2 Options = CANCELABLE TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:UpgradeMordorMumakilPenLevel2 ButtonImage = UCCommon_UpgradeStructureNew ButtonBorderType = BUILD DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:TooltipUpgradeMordorMumakilPenLevel2 Radial = Yes InPalantir = Yes End CommandButton Command_UpgradeMordorMumakilPenLevel3 Command = OBJECT_UPGRADE Object = MordorMumakilPen Upgrade = Upgrade_MordorMumakilPenLevel3 Options = CANCELABLE TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:UpgradeMordorMumakilPenLevel3 ButtonImage = UCCommon_UpgradeStructureNew ButtonBorderType = BUILD DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:TooltipUpgradeMordorMumakilPenLevel3 Radial = Yes InPalantir = Yes End ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Experiencelevels.ini ;------------- MordorMumakilPen ----------------- ExperienceLevel MordorMumakilPenLevel1 TargetNames = MordorMumakilPen RequiredExperience = 1 ExperienceAward = MORDOR_MUMAKILPEN_LVL1_EXP_AWARD Rank = 1 AttributeModifiers = BasicLevelUpProduction1 Upgrades = Upgrade_StructureLevel1 End ExperienceLevel MordorMumakilPenLevel2 TargetNames = MordorMumakilPen RequiredExperience = 2 ExperienceAward = MORDOR_MUMAKILPEN_LVL2_EXP_AWARD Rank = 2 AttributeModifiers = MordorMumakilPenHitPointModLvl2 MordorMumakilPenBuildSpeedModLvl2 Upgrades = Upgrade_StructureLevel2 ;;;Upgrade_MordorMumakilPenLevel2 LevelUpFx = FX:MordorMumakilPenUpgrade End ExperienceLevel MordorMumakilPenLevel3 TargetNames = MordorMumakilPen RequiredExperience = 3 ExperienceAward = MORDOR_MUMAKILPEN_LVL3_EXP_AWARD Rank = 3 AttributeModifiers = MordorMumakilPenHitPointModLvl3 MordorMumakilPenBuildSpeedModLvl3 Upgrades = Upgrade_StructureLevel3 ;;;Upgrade_MordorMumakilPenLevel3 LevelUpFx = FX:MordorMumakilPenUpgrade End ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Object Mumakilpen.ini Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_LevelUpMordorMumakilPenLevel2 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_StructureLevel2 ;;;Upgrade_MordorMumakilPenLevel2 LevelsToGain = 1 LevelCap = 3 End Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_LevelUpMordorMumakilPenLevel3 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_StructureLevel3 ;;;Upgrade_MordorMumakilPenLevel3 LevelsToGain = 1 LevelCap = 3 End Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModuleTag_MordorMumakilPenLevel2 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_StructureLevel2 ;;;Upgrade_MordorMumakilPenLevel2 ConflictsWith = Upgrade_StructureLevel3 ;;;Upgrade_MordorMumakilPenLevel3 CommandSet = MordorMumakilPenCommandSetLevel2 End Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModuleTag_MordorMumakilPenLevel3 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_StructureLevel3 ;;;Upgrade_MordorMumakilPenLevel3 CommandSet = MordorMumakilPenCommandSetLevel3 End Behavior = ProductionUpdate ProductionUpdateModuleTag NumDoorAnimations = 1 DoorOpeningTime = 0 ;in mSeconds how long you want doors to be in open state DoorWaitOpenTime = 600 ;in mSeconds time the door stays open, so units can exit DoorCloseTime = 0 ;in mSeconds how long you want doors to be in open state ConstructionCompleteDuration = 0 ;in mSeconds wait time so if you have multiple units they don't run over each other UnitInvulnerableTime = 6000 ; In msec, we flag things we make as invulnerable for a bit. The mumakil can't handle being hurt during his complicated build phase. VeteranUnitsFromVeteranFactory = Yes ;I am higher than my default level, I will give a free level to those I produce GiveNoXP = No ;Yes End ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Evilmen Mumakil.ini Behavior = ProductionUpdate ProductionUpdateModuleTag GiveNoXP = Yes ;also tried No... End ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upgrade.ini Upgrade Upgrade_MordorMumakilPenLevel2 Type = OBJECT BuildCost = 0 ;;;MORDOR_MUMAKILPEN_LVL2_UPGRADE_COST BuildTime = 0 ;;;MORDOR_MUMAKILPEN_LVL2_UPGRADE_TIME DisplayName = UPGRADE:MordorMumakilPenLevel2 ResearchCompleteEvaEvent = MumakilPenUpgraded End Upgrade Upgrade_MordorMumakilPenLevel3 Type = OBJECT BuildCost = 0 ;;;MORDOR_MUMAKILPEN_LVL3_UPGRADE_COST BuildTime = 0 ;;;MORDOR_MUMAKILPEN_LVL3_UPGRADE_TIME DisplayName = UPGRADE:MordorMumakilPenLevel3 ResearchCompleteEvaEvent = MumakilPenUpgraded End Upgrade Upgrade_StructureLevel1 Type = OBJECT End Upgrade Upgrade_StructureLevel2 Type = OBJECT End Upgrade Upgrade_StructureLevel3 Type = OBJECT End
Edited by fienx001, 04 August 2011 - 07:45 AM.