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Question about INI changes

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#1 Centurion

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Posted 14 April 2013 - 07:09 PM

Ok, so I know I had this issue before, but I cannot remember how I solved it. I edited the INI files I wanted to, but when I play the game none of the changes hold, even though they did previously. Can anyone explain to me why they are not changing? I opened the INI.big file, edited it and saved it, but the changes are not taking effect. Its baffling, because I had not made any other changes and can see the ones I made in the INI, but they are not appearing in game. Do I need to extract it somewhere first?  I know this is pretty simple, but I can't recall how to solve it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by Centurion, 14 April 2013 - 07:16 PM.

#2 Ridder Geel

Ridder Geel

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Posted 14 April 2013 - 11:37 PM

Are you using the -mod command or editing the .big file directly? (as in changing and reimporting the ini to the .BIG file?

Ridder Geel

#3 zezkersar


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 06:15 PM

Yeah, from how you said it it sounds as if you are editing the file directly; although, if no changes are happening, I can't imagine that's the case.

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