Thanks dude
News - News Topic!
Posted 24 July 2017 - 01:09 PM
Posted 29 July 2017 - 01:51 AM
Minas Tirith WIP preview
- NewErr and MattTheLegoman like this
Posted 01 August 2017 - 05:00 PM
- NewErr and MattTheLegoman like this
Posted 04 December 2017 - 07:14 PM
this progress make me happy cant wait to try all this stuff
maps look really harder and theses old cursors are really cool
He was the first...
Posted 07 December 2017 - 04:49 AM
Edited by Maximan, 07 December 2017 - 05:10 AM.
Posted 07 December 2017 - 08:13 AM
Hmm, second? Players will relate more to it?
Posted 07 December 2017 - 08:40 AM
Yeah I'm also leaning more towards the second.
Posted 09 December 2017 - 01:46 PM
Aragorn Ability Test - Animation
Edited by Maximan, 09 December 2017 - 01:47 PM.
Posted 09 December 2017 - 06:18 PM
I freaking love that animation and I like how you introduced the sound from the BFME tutorial. I would suggest this animation should have a standalone ability (or the other way around), a one burst shot ability and not a timed one.
Posted 09 December 2017 - 06:25 PM
Thanks man, I'm currently testing around with a one burst ability, I reckon it would fit it.
Posted 19 December 2017 - 06:54 PM
I would love that man, I tried it once but it just kept acting weirdly the first time I added the old code back.
Posted 19 December 2017 - 07:43 PM
That's weird, I so thought about that this morning, lol.
Posted 19 December 2017 - 07:49 PM
for fellbeast replace their anim block with this one: (dont worry swoop anim still work i only change dying anim and the moving anim for the "plane" promo/trailer style)
IdleAnimationState StateName = Idle Animation = IDLA AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_HVRA AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 10 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.95 1.05 End End AnimationState = RUBBLE Animation = RubbleDieF AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_DIEO AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 8 End End AnimationState = DYING Animation = DyingA AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_DIEN AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 3 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.0 1.5 End StateName = DYING BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "Idle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "Moving" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "decelerate" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "Accelerate" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "Climbing" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "Diving" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "backup" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "Claw" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "Grab" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end EndScript End TransitionState = Trans_Dying Animation = Transition AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_DIEM AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 5 End End AnimationState STUNNED SPECIAL_DAMAGED StateName = STUNNED Animation = HitA AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_HITA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 6 End End AnimationState STUNNED StateName = STUNNED Animation = HitA AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_ATKH AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 6 End End AnimationState = BACKING_UP StateName = backup Animation = IDLA AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_HVRA AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 10 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.95 1.05 End End AnimationState = DIVING StateName = Diving Animation = Diving AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_ATKD AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 10 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.95 1.05 End End AnimationState = ABOUT_TO_HIT ; clawing StateName = Claw Animation = Claw AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_ATKD AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 10 End BeginScript if CurDrawableIsCurrentTargetKindof("GRAB_AND_DROP") then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Begin_Attacking") EndScript End TransitionState = Trans_Begin_Attacking Animation = Grab AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_GRBA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 10 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.4 0.4 End End AnimationState = SPECIAL_WEAPON_TWO ; Screech Animation AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_ATKA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 20 End FXEvent = Frame:30 Name:FX_FearBlast End ;--- HARD FLAPPING ------------------------ AnimationState = CLIMBING StateName = Climbing Animation = Moving AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_HVRB AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 10 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.55 End End ; AnimationState = FREEFALL ;freefall break crashing death style ! ; StateName = Freefall ; Animation = Moving ; AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_IDLA ; AnimationMode = LOOP ; AnimationBlendTime = 10 ; End ; End AnimationState = MOVING SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE StateName = Moving Animation = Moving AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_ATKB AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 10 End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "Idle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Begin_Moving") return end if Prev == "Climbing" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Begin_Moving") return end EndScript End AnimationState = ACCELERATE StateName = Accelerate Animation = Moving AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_FLYA AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 10 End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "Idle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Begin_Moving") return end if Prev == "Climbing" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Begin_Moving") return end EndScript End AnimationState = DECELERATE StateName = decelerate Animation = Moving AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_HVRC AnimationMode = LOOP_BACKWARDS AnimationBlendTime = 10 End End AnimationState = MOVING StateName = Moving Animation = Moving AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_IDLA ;CUFellBst_FLYA AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 10 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.1 End ; BeginScript ; Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() ; if Prev == "Idle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Begin_Moving") return end ; if Prev == "Climbing" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Begin_Moving") return end ; EndScript End TransitionState = Trans_Begin_Moving Animation = Transition AnimationName = CUFellBst_SKL.CUFellBst_HVRC AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 6 End End End
next u need to:
remove the two slow death behaviour and replace the giant bird slow death behaviour with this Behavior = GiantBirdSlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_GiantBirdSlowDeath DeathTypes = ALL SinkDelay = 10000 SinkRate = 1.0 DestructionDelay = 20000 Sound = INITIAL FellBeastDie Weapon = HIT_GROUND GondorTrebuchetRockWarhead FX = HIT_GROUND FX_TrebuchetImpactHit Sound = HIT_GROUND FellBeastDieImpact CrashAvoidKindOfs = STRUCTURE CrashAvoidRadius = 800 CrashAvoidStrength = 0.2 NeedToMaintainFlailingHeight = No ;EjectRiderIfApplicable = Yes //No ;RiderSubObjects = NAZGUL_SKN WITCHKING2 End
for eagle replace their anim block with this one:
IdleAnimationState StateName = Idle Animation = FlyB AnimationName = GUGwaihir_HVRA AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 10 End End AnimationState STUNNED SPECIAL_DAMAGED StateName = STUNNED Animation = HitB AnimationName = GUGwaihir_HITB AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 6 End End AnimationState STUNNED Animation = HitB AnimationName = GUGwaihir_HITA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 6 End End AnimationState = BACKING_UP StateName = backup Animation = FlyB AnimationName = GUGwaihir_FLYB AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 9 End End AnimationState = DIVING StateName = Diving Animation = DiveA AnimationName = GUGwaihir_DIVA AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 9 End End AnimationState = ABOUT_TO_HIT ; clawing StateName = Claw Animation = Claw AnimationName = GUGwaihir_ATKB AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 9 End End ;--- HARD FLAPPING ------------------------ AnimationState = CLIMBING StateName = Climbing Animation = FlyB(climb) AnimationName = GUGwaihir_FLYB AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 9 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.55 End End ; AnimationState = FREEFALL ;freefall break crashing death style ! ; StateName = Freefall ; Animation = Freefall(ilde) ; AnimationName = GUGwaihir_IDLA ; AnimationMode = LOOP ; AnimationBlendTime = 9 ; AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.7 0.75 ; End ; End AnimationState = ACCELERATE StateName = Accelerate Animation = Moving AnimationName = GUGwaihir_FLYA AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 10 End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "Idle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Begin_Moving") return end if Prev == "Climbing" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Begin_Moving") return end EndScript End AnimationState = DECELERATE StateName = decelerate Animation = Moving AnimationName = GUGwaihir_HVRC AnimationMode = LOOP_BACKWARDS AnimationBlendTime = 7 End End AnimationState = MOVING StateName = Moving Animation = FLYA AnimationName = GUGwaihir_IDLA ;GUGwaihir_FLYA AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 12 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.1 End ; BeginScript ; Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() ; if Prev == "Idle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Begin_Moving") return end ; EndScript End TransitionState = Trans_Begin_Moving Animation = Transition AnimationName = GUGwaihir_HVRC AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 4 End End AnimationState = RUBBLE Animation = RubbleDieF AnimationName = GUGwaihir_DIEF AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 8 End End TransitionState = Trans_Dying Animation = Transition AnimationName = GUGwaihir_DIED AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 3 End End AnimationState = DYING DEATH_1 StateName = DYING Animation = DyingA AnimationName = GUGwaihir_DIEE AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 4 End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "Idle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "Moving" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "Freefall" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "Climbing" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "Diving" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "backup" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "STUNNED" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end if Prev == "Claw" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("Trans_Dying") return end EndScript End AnimationState = DYING DEATH_2 StateName = DYING Animation = DyingA AnimationName = GUGwaihir_HVRA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationBlendTime = 9 End End End
next u need to:
remove the two slow death behaviour and replace the giant bird slow death behaviour with this: Behavior = GiantBirdSlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_GiantBirdSlowDeath DeathTypes = ALL SinkDelay = 15000 SinkRate = 1.0 ; in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 20000 Sound = INITIAL EagleVoiceDie ;FellBeastDie Weapon = HIT_GROUND GondorTrebuchetRockWarhead ; FX = INITIAL FX_FellBeastSpell FX = HIT_GROUND FX_TrebuchetImpactHit Sound = HIT_GROUND FellBeastDieImpact CrashAvoidKindOfs = STRUCTURE CrashAvoidRadius = 800 CrashAvoidStrength = 0.2 NeedToMaintainFlailingHeight = No ;EjectRiderIfApplicable = Yes //No ;RiderSubObjects = NAZGUL_SKN WITCHKING2 DeathFlags = DEATH_1 End
u also need to add GIANT_BIRD to the kindof of the fellbeast and eagle
and done
Edited by Miraak5, 20 December 2017 - 03:14 PM.
- Maximan likes this
He was the first...
Posted 19 December 2017 - 08:08 PM
Uhm.. Mind if I use this also?
Posted 19 December 2017 - 08:24 PM
u can but if it's for bfme2 u need to take these 3 anims from bfme1 (EA keep eagle anims in bfme2 W3D but not fellbeast one)
cufellbst_diem, cufellbst_dien and cufellbst_dieo
Edited by Miraak5, 19 December 2017 - 08:26 PM.
- NewErr likes this
He was the first...
Posted 20 December 2017 - 09:08 PM
The model might just need little rework
He was the first...
Posted 21 December 2017 - 01:09 PM
Maybe, not sure yet, since I feel like Mordor might be too strong, with a large spam of orcs and some pikemen.
Posted 22 December 2017 - 07:26 PM
yeah maybe
if u add them they should not be free
PS: so did the code worked ? i hope so
Edited by Miraak5, 22 December 2017 - 07:28 PM.
He was the first...
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