Hey guys can you share your build orders of your favorite faction?
What's your build order?
Posted 14 December 2013 - 09:15 AM
Posted 14 December 2013 - 09:51 AM
Soviet: Barrack, Conscripts + Flaktroopers, Battle Bunker x2, Refinery, Tesla Reactor, Radar, Refinery, Tesla Reactor, Warfactory, Battle Lab, Nuclear Reactor
Allies: Barrack, GI+GGI, Refinery, Powerplant, Airforce command, Powerplant, Warfactory, Chronominer x2, Battle Lab, Strategy Center.
Edited by X1Destroy, 14 December 2013 - 09:51 AM.
"Protecting the land of the Free."
Posted 14 December 2013 - 11:26 AM
Any Side: Barracks -> Refinery -> Power Plant -> War Factory -> Radar -> Refinery -> Tech Building -> Resource Booster -> Super Weapon -> Rage Quit
~ Getting cringe reactions when you see a RAINBOW means you have issues. ~
"This World is an Illussion,Exile" -High Templar Dominus
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:42 PM
Observer: Got to the starting loccation of 1 player, press ctrl+F1, go to another player's starting point, press ctrl+F2, look around the map, show tech structures, find battles.
- GameMaster0000, ImP_RuLz and lovalmidas like this
Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods
Posted 14 December 2013 - 01:49 PM
Observer: Got to the starting loccation of 1 player, press ctrl+F1, go to another player's starting point, press ctrl+F2, look around the map, show tech structures, find battles.
Anyside Barracks -> Ref -> PP -> WF -> Radar -> PP -> Tech -> PP -> Ref
Posted 14 December 2013 - 07:55 PM
Barracks -> Dogs to scout -> Refinery -> Powerplant(and initiates if I play as Epsilon) -> War Factory -> 2 or 3 Miners -> Radar(or another PP if I am not Epsilon) -> Tech -> More Refineries.. -> Win.
Posted 14 December 2013 - 08:57 PM
My build order deppends on many factors: Map, Faction, Information from scouting (what the enemy is doing), plans I have in mind, etc...
Posted 14 December 2013 - 10:15 PM
It depends on the map and faction mostly. But I usually build Barracks and a Powerplant first.
Posted 17 December 2013 - 11:25 AM
Sometimes: Deploy MCV -> Barracks -> Undeploy MCV -> Build Dogs while moving MCV to enemy's base -> Get somewhere close to enemy base -> Deploy MCV -> Barracks -> Spam Pillboxes / Sentry Gun / Gattling Gun + some Engineers -> Refinery or Power Plant where needed -> Spam 'C' hotkey -> Fall off the chair laughing
Okay, I admit, I did not do the last part. That's why this tactic does not work. :(
Posted 17 December 2013 - 11:35 AM
Yeah, initial building order depends on how far away ore is. If its far then crawl as much as you can with barracks and power plant before refinery. After that it's pretty basic... C&C teching ftw.
Might not want to waste resources early game on building multiple Barracks just for base crawling, especially now that the Power Plants can be placed 1 cell further away than eny other building 9excluding defenses)
Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods
Posted 17 December 2013 - 11:47 AM
Deploy MCV -> ???? -> Spawning Pools -> Zerglings -> KEKEKEKEKE -> SPAWN MORE OVERLORDS -> Lose game.
Edited by Zenothist, 17 December 2013 - 11:48 AM.
IRC: #menthosogma (Rizon)
Posted 17 December 2013 - 12:20 PM
Insufficient ores, buy more Harvesters.
Posted 17 December 2013 - 12:57 PM
It varies, but I always do Barracks + 3 dogs (can be 2 on few occasions) > Refinery. Usually I do get battle bunkers with troops in too to help with defense if not sentries as Soviets. Replace defenses and infantry with Pillboxes as Allies, and extra dogs as Epsilon. The rest depends on map, but always build a Miner first once I get a factory up.
Edited by Admiral_Pit, 17 December 2013 - 12:59 PM.
Posted 17 December 2013 - 03:58 PM
Sometimes: Deploy MCV -> Barracks -> Undeploy MCV -> Build Dogs while moving MCV to enemy's base -> Get somewhere close to enemy base -> Deploy MCV -> Barracks -> Spam Pillboxes / Sentry Gun / Gattling Gun + some Engineers -> Refinery or Power Plant where needed -> Spam 'C' hotkey -> Fall off the chair laughing
My god... its fucking genius! I gotta try this sometime.
Any side - > bar, 6 dogs, engies, ref, PP, wf, transport(s), ref
Sometiems, instead of buying miners, get another ref going and sell it once its built in order to get more miners, and u can use the WF to get transports & tanks.
Engy rush FTW.
Posted 24 December 2013 - 04:11 AM
Posted 24 December 2013 - 08:50 AM
Barracks, 2~3 dogs for scouting unrevealed terrains and a few G.Is or conscripts depending on the map -> Ore Ref. -> Power Plant -> War Factory(IFV/Tank or miner, depending on the map) -> Ore Ref. -> Ore Ref./Radar/Airfield -> Power Plant -> Tech Center
Basically I follow how I used to play in the matches in Ra2/YR online gameplay.
Not until I have at least 5 miners and 2 Ore Refs. will I build the Tech Center.
Posted 24 December 2013 - 11:10 AM
MCV -> Construction Yard
Ore Refinery + 6 Dogs (scout) + 1 T1 defense (ready to place, use only when needed)
Power Plant (may be earlier than Ore Refinery depending on map)
War Factory + Engineers (for oil derricks, if any) + T1 infantry (for garrison, if any) + 1 T1 defense (ready to place, use only when needed)
T2 Structure + 4 Ore Miners (observe enemy base in the meantime; switch to tanks if a early Borillo is sighted)
Power Plants (for Epsilon, recall all scouting dogs) + Wall Construction Yard + some T2 units (where needed, occasionally prepare for rush)
2nd Ore Refinery
T3 Structure
Power Plant / Nuke Reactor (will be low power at this point) + Hero + T3 Units
T3 Economy Support Building
3rd Ore Refinery
2nd War Factory
... build as you see fit
Posted 24 December 2013 - 11:57 AM
More seriously from me:
MCV -> Construction Yard
Ore Refinery + 6 Dogs (scout) + 1 T1 defense (ready to place, use only when needed)
Power Plant (may be earlier than Ore Refinery depending on map)
War Factory + Engineers (for oil derricks, if any) + T1 infantry (for garrison, if any) + 1 T1 defense (ready to place, use only when needed)
T2 Structure + 4 Ore Miners (observe enemy base in the meantime; switch to tanks if a early Borillo is sighted)
Power Plants (for Epsilon, recall all scouting dogs) + Wall Construction Yard + some T2 units (where needed, occasionally prepare for rush)
2nd Ore Refinery
T3 Structure
Power Plant / Nuke Reactor (will be low power at this point) + Hero + T3 Units
T3 Economy Support Building
3rd Ore Refinery
2nd War Factory
... build as you see fit
Hmm...in my previous post I forgot to mention the T1 defense.
I always made a pilbox ready to deploy in certain maps to stop the enemy dogs from scouting my base or engineer trying to sneak into my base, but in MO 3.0 it doesn't seem necessary as dogs are amphibious and it takes multiple engineers to capture a complete enemy structure.
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