A couple of ideas for tactical battles, some are for a more tactical gameplay some just cosmetic.
Space Battle
garrison/transport ability to capitals, no transport spawn, instead player must build empty transports / land units (which in space are stormtrooper transports, lambda shuttles, lander shuttles), this way slow/unusable transport problems and land complement in capitals problems are solved
dedicated invasion force carriers /imperial modular taskforce cruiser, rebel bulk cruiser/
no damage control when ships health bar in red
cruiser or bigger ship explosion /new huge explosion particles/, 20% chance of area damage (mod zann self destruct ability)
ship death clones? (I don’t see them, or is it just my computer?)
spawn space debris after capital ship death
retreat to hyperspace, uncontrollable ships moving in one direction instead of staying in one place
random rebel ship skins for variety (color squadrons, ragtag fleet)
canon blaster/laser colors: most -red, imperial navy-green, rebel clone trooper-blueishpurple, ion-blue, mass/disruptor-yellow
new laser defense particle (quad laser cannon fire)
new laser hull hit, conc. missile, proton torpedo explosion particles
blue advanced missile/torpedo? (still a tiefighter fan)
turbolaser flak explosions if reaching max range (ref: animated clone wars series, group steiner mod) in gameplay – more hit chance against snubcraft at longer range
Land Battle
Battalion unit simulation system (simulate large scale planetary land battles with smaller skirmishes, mixes unit types - more tactics, more wookiepediacanon/realistic/logical/balanced; eliminates problems of small landing zone unit caps) for example: stormtrooper line battalion instead of stormtrooper platoon
rewrite land unit names on galaxy map (adjust unit price tag to unit size – more expensive land units):
normal/elite/special forces infantry – battalion (simulated by a platoon/squad/person in battle)
vehicles – squadron (simulated by a balanced number of vehicles)
every battalion is made of mixed units (ref: group steiner mod) (more use of various unit types, no more useless army platoons, no need to deploy useless speederbike unit for 1 unitcappoint to scout enemy)
1 battalion = 4 companies = 4x4 platoons = 4x4x4 squad, simulate 1 battalion with 1 platoon = 4 squads in land battles
line battalion (normal/elite) 1x major (commander, minor 2star hero bonuses) 3x standard squads (9 blaster troopers), 1x heavy weapons squad (2 heavy repeating blaster trooper, 2 plex troopers, 1 ion cannon trooper, 4 troopers for 2 e-web teams)
assault battalion (elite) 1x major, 1x assault squad (8 blaster troopers, 1 heavy repeating blaster trooper), 2x heavy weapons squads, 1x scout squad (2 speeder bikes, 3 teams of 2 scout/sniper troopers (deploy sniper ability))
special missions battalion (elite) 1x major, 1x standard squad, 2x scout squad, 1x specops squad (could be infiltrators, jumptroopers and whatnot)
repulsorlift battalion (normal) 1x major, 1x command repulsorlift vehicle, 2x standard squads (9 blaster troopers), 2 speederbikes, 2 light repulsorlift vehicles, 6 repulsorlift tanks
vehicle squadrons: a balanced number of vehicles
This way a landing zone unit cap of 3 would be enough to field a variety of units, instead of 6 ATATs or T4Bs.
regimental hq /garrisons: 4 normal line battalions, 1 squadron of speederbikes, buildable units: normal line battalion, imp.int.agent/rebel spy, defensive building/
academy /garrisons: 1 elite line battalion, buildable units: elite line battalion, elite assault battalion, special missions battalion, buildable only on special planets/
cloning facility /garrisons: 1 elite line battalion (stormtrooper/rebel clone trooper mk1), buildable units: elite line battalion, elite assault battalion, special missions battalion, buildable only on special planets/
repulsorlift factory /garrisons: none, buildable units: repulsorlift battalion, various vehicle squadrons (LAAT should be buildable too in a more AA vulnerable form)/
various factories /garrisons: none (no more infinite t4bs in land battles), droid factory on special planets for battledroid, researched dark troopers etc. production/
mining operation /one per planet with planetary bonuses or penalties/
ground sensor array /only radar dots, no FOW removal/
usual defensive buildings
usual special buildings on some planets
veteran infantry battalions as minor hero units (f.e.: commander bly+line battalion)
more infantry only passable terrain and shortcuts to maps, so players must use otherwise slow and weak infantry
infantry cover system /more infantry covers like bunkers, bunker health +++/
unit skin changes per planet type (stormtrooper – swamptrooper - snowtrooper etc, ranger camo, vehicle camo?)
clone units: empire – stormtrooper, rebel – clone trooper mk1
plex damage against vehicles +++, new plex graphics /straight rockets, white smoke/
orbital bombardment graphic renewal (battlefronts of war mod) + friendly fire
mod references: not to compare, just meaning the idea is possible and tested
Edited by megabalta, 17 January 2014 - 10:09 PM.