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Your Role In The MO Universe

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#141 Sven Co. Op

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 07:49 AM

MO High Command

Team MentalMeisters 

Speeder - insert custom unit nickname here

Mevitar - The Thing Inside the Flask

Zenothist - insert custom unit nickname here

Graion Dilach - KGB Cyberminer Extraordinaire 

ImP_RuLz - insert custom unit nickname here

Azri_Apoc - insert custom unit nickname here

RP - insert custom unit nickname here

Lovalmidas - Tactical Commander / Thor MKII Pilot

Cesare - insert custom unit nickname here

Hecthor - Spec-Ops Cryo Commando

Martinoz - insert custom unit nickname here



The Commando Teams 


Pacific Rim Brigade

Members of the "Commradytes"

1. Sven Co. Op - Close Quarters Combat Specialist 

2. Someonebutnoone - Chrono "Swiss Army Knife/Gun"

3. X1Destroy - Guardian G.I Tank Buster

4. Atomic_Noodles - Hapless Citizen (we have to save him most of the time) 

5. Crystala - Aerial Support / Scout

6. Jochmen - Chrono Adept Eins


Northern Europe Brigade

Team "Over Power" (team name subject to change in consent of the team)

1. Jargalhurts - Carlo The Reusable Engineer

2. Eternity 6 - A.I. of the Unmanned Devastator Class Drone

3. LusiGoosi - Alexei Rokovich Alansdrov, driver/commander of the “Lyusya”  Rhino Tank

4. Divine - Spirit, the Psychic Infiltrator Commando

5. Tyhednus - The Chrono Cryo Legionnaire 

6. I_Download_Stuff - The "Hades" Terminator


Middle East Brigade

Team "Anubis" (team name subject to change under the consent of the team)

1. Seth - Dog, the Apocalyptic Yorkshire Terrier 

2. GhostNemisis - Narugakruga, PF Special Operative 

3. FiremariomkiZX - The "Arrogant Redhammer" Ace

4. Textchat Rogue - Proselyte Adept in Training

5.  不知谷·林 (a non-forum member friend of crystala) - The Tesla Sergeant



After that the next six users not in a team will make a new team, and so forth. Also, I will repost a Team roster should I update the teams (new member/member dropout). You can also switch teams if you want.

Edited by Sven Co. Op, 18 January 2014 - 03:17 AM.

"I had normal life, till the day our thoughts got clouded in a dark shroud. My home was destroyed, then they found me, or rather, I found them.

#142 someonebutnoone


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Posted 17 January 2014 - 12:00 PM

I"m making a PM where we all can roleplay as our characters.

#143 Black/Brunez


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Posted 17 January 2014 - 12:05 PM

Mevitar should be on the Team MentalMeinsters :p


Also, to make some things easier to analise, make an edit on your first post showing all the Brigades and edit it again everytime someone post his/her/(it?) status, instead of reposting this wall of text.

#144 Seth

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Posted 18 January 2014 - 12:29 AM


#145 Sven Co. Op

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Posted 18 January 2014 - 03:23 AM

Mevitar should be on the Team MentalMeinsters :p


Also, to make some things easier to analise, make an edit on your first post showing all the Brigades and edit it again everytime someone post his/her/(it?) status, instead of reposting this wall of text.


Thanks for the tip. It's been pretty hectic lately (I have Mock Trial in two months and the finals in two weeks).

"I had normal life, till the day our thoughts got clouded in a dark shroud. My home was destroyed, then they found me, or rather, I found them.

#146 LusiGoosi

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Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:19 AM

If no more people have ideas may want to remix teams to fit everyone.

#147 Sven Co. Op

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Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:51 AM

We just need one more person to fill in the third team. If not, the third team will be given a character made by me or suggested by anyone else if they want.

"I had normal life, till the day our thoughts got clouded in a dark shroud. My home was destroyed, then they found me, or rather, I found them.

#148 Haxxan


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 04:15 PM

I'll be Hax - The Iron Commando


After the soviets saw Siegfried they started working on their own counter part for him: The Iron Commando 

He can fire unstable Iron Curtain projectiles, similar to Siegfried but has a slightly better armour and Speed. When deployed he would create an Iron Curtain shield which will give temporary Invulnerability to all the non organic units but unlike the Iron Curtain, organic infantry would not be affected by the Iron-Field. As the Iron-Curtain technology is extremely destructive to any human or animal, the operator (codenamed "Hax") operates it from within a Cyborg Armour. As the technology used is lighter (And more mobile) then that that of Siegfried he is able to achieve greater speeds and takes only one passenger slot in transports. 

This commando works for Russia

Cost:1600                Prerequisite:Soviet Barrack,Battle Lab

Speed:7                   Purpose:Anti Infantry, Anti Tank, Siege unit

Hitpoints:500              Weapon:Iron Cannon / IronField

Armour Class:Plate     Range: 12.5/Area of effect


Additional Information

1.Minimum range: 2

2.Build Limit:1

3.Immune to abduction

4.Automatically heals himself

5.Immune to mind control and chaos

6.Cannot be crushed by normal vehicles

7.Can detect cloaked and submerged units.Sensor range:9


(Background information will be available soon)


Mental Omega 3.0 on the web: 



#149 Sven Co. Op

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 04:28 AM

Changes set, welcome to the Middle East Brigade Hax.

"I had normal life, till the day our thoughts got clouded in a dark shroud. My home was destroyed, then they found me, or rather, I found them.

#150 GhostNemesis

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 04:04 PM

Code Name:Tigrex

Real Name:Stellah 

Race:Malaysia's China

Affiliation:Pacific Front


Best friend of Nelson since kindergarden,but she is lucky,all her families were safe from the terrorist's slaugther,but her friend is unfortunate,when the time she knew that Nelson joined the self-defensive group,she had tried to stop him,failed is her result.Since that day,she had to work hard to sharpen her sniping skill.With a SG-550 Commando,she had help Nelson to eliminate most of terrorist's sniper and smoothen Nelson action to assasinate the head of terrorist.

After Nelson had joined into the Pacific Front's Special Operative,of course she was also registered as a sniper.In an action to taken down a criminal underworld's leader,she almost faced death by 5 bodyguard appear suddenly,luckily Nelson,already got a codename call Narugakruga saved her in last second.

She had to swear about she wanted to train her skill in melee combat too,besides sniping training daily,she had also take up the NightHawk,so she does no need Nelson's assist in one day.The result after that was,she can almost compare with Nelson in combat skill.

On the battlefield,she will become rudely to everybody even the commander,even compare with America Special Agent Tanya,she just do what she though it was right,her action making Nelson to name her codename as Tigrex,someone fierce and ruthless.Some of the government employees or even high class officers does not like her,even hated her on some people's welfare issues,but they won't,even not dare to think that hire somebody to kill her,not even scare on her,but someone to be a knight behind her.She will be a nightmare to almost infantry even vehicles driver,with her beloved SG-550 and NightHawk.


This commando work for Pacific Front

Cost:1500                Prerequisite:Allied Barrack,Tech Lab

Speed:8                   Purpose:Anti Infantry,Anti Vehicle

Hitpoint:220              Weapon:NightHawk/SG-550 Commando

Armor Class:Flak     Range: 7/12


Additional Information

1.Deploy to switch weapon,Nighthawk only works on infantry but had a fast fire rate,SG-550 Commando mode able to kill both driver and infantry but had a bit longer cooldown than Nighthawk 

2.Build Limit:1

3.Immune to abduction

4.Automatically self-healing

5.Immune to mind control and chaos

6.Cannot be crushed by normal vehicles

7.Can detect cloaked and submerged unit.Sensor range:9

#151 Sven Co. Op

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Posted 20 January 2014 - 08:54 PM

Changes set. Welcome to the North Star Brigade, Team Snowstorm, Tigrex. GhostNemisis, if you are going to make another character, please make it an exact opposite of your original character. And this applies to everyone who is going to make more than one character.  

"I had normal life, till the day our thoughts got clouded in a dark shroud. My home was destroyed, then they found me, or rather, I found them.

#152 Divine


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Posted 23 January 2014 - 09:30 PM

Hey guys I think I (my character) will abandon the old C-96 taken from that fat-ass Soviet comissar back in my resistance days. A few dozens of sharp-ass tiny pieces of metal hurled at vital parts with telekinesis will do a better job against soft targets, it's easier to conceal and does not need ammo.... Anyways, I updated my first post once again.

Edited by Divine, 23 January 2014 - 10:12 PM.

Some unofficial stuff I made for Mental Omega
Sidebar icons for normally not buildable stuff: Yuri Prime, Space CommandoAllied Jackal (obsolete)Gravitron
Skirmish Map: (2) Commietopia
Feedback and showcase thread

#153 Psionic Psychic

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Posted 24 January 2014 - 02:02 PM

My role:




Cost: $2000

Speed: 7

Hitpoints: 500

Armor Class: Plate

Prerequisite: Epsilon Barracks, Epsilon Pandora Hub

Purpose: Anti-infantry, Annihilation

Weapons:  Kinetic Mind Hazer / "Enigma" Annihilator Cannon

Range: 8 / 14 (Deployed)


This commando works for Epsilon Headquarters


Yuri became happy about his previous success on Rahn. But he noticed that Rahn is not really effective at structures even though his Terranova Cannon can mutate infantry. Rahn proved to be rather useless in Tank Battles because his Terranova can't mutate infantry inside these tanks. But Yuri acted on these situation and made the perfect destruction machine which will prove useful with Rahn. Psion was just an ordinary Dunerider but because he excel in most battles and most likely not get any wounds even though he is found on the frontline. Yuri improved the genes which mutated Rahn and this experimental "Evolutioner" was injected to him and the result was successful. Psion had superhuman abilities like be able to carry even the heaviest things on Earth. But that is not all. Yuri enhanced his mind and now instead of mind control, he uses his mind to blow other infantry's mind (literally) making him the perfect anti-infantry. But this is not what Rahn likes about (he even hates it :p ), it's Psion's "Enigma" Cannon which he likes. With a tandem of an armor destroyer and an infantry mutator makes them hardly opponents.


Additional Information:


*Build Limit: 1

*Automatically heals himself

*Immune to mind control and chaos

*Cannot be crushed by ANY vehicles

*Can detect cloaked and submerged units (sensor range: 7)

*Immune to toxin and poison

*Immune to abduction

*Immune to dog attacks (except Chitzkoi's)

Edited by Psionic Psychic, 24 January 2014 - 02:03 PM.


#154 Seth

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Posted 24 January 2014 - 08:40 PM

I will be Chuck Norris then, when game starts it will auto-crash because nobody stands a chance.

His ability is to deploy, doing that he will punch the Earth causing it to blow up.

#155 Sven Co. Op

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Posted 25 January 2014 - 03:45 AM

Changes set. Welcome to the North Star Brigade, Team Snowstorm.

"I had normal life, till the day our thoughts got clouded in a dark shroud. My home was destroyed, then they found me, or rather, I found them.

#156 Sven Co. Op

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Posted 25 January 2014 - 03:47 AM

I will be Chuck Norris then, when game starts it will auto-crash because nobody stands a chance.

His ability is to deploy, doing that he will punch the Earth causing it to blow up.


No. Just no. Your character's name can be Chuck Norris, but to autocrash the game and split the Earth, not going to happen.

"I had normal life, till the day our thoughts got clouded in a dark shroud. My home was destroyed, then they found me, or rather, I found them.

#157 Textchat Rogue

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Posted 27 January 2014 - 01:34 PM

Please remove me from your team nonsense. My only purpose in posting was to point out how egotistical and foolish you were for thinking you'd survive a war like this and making ridiculous anime OCs that don't even fit into the universe.

#158 Sven Co. Op

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Posted 28 January 2014 - 12:50 AM

Changes set Textchat Rogue. Also:



Please remove me from your team nonsense. My only purpose in posting was to point out how egotistical and foolish you were for thinking you'd survive a war like this and making ridiculous anime OCs that don't even fit into the universe.


I can understand that I mistook your first post on the character's purpose of showing how egotistical and foolish I was in the making of this, and you're right. But two words: FAN FICTION. This is all created to see the creativity of those who would set themselves in the MO universe. Sure that some creations aren't original or are anime OCs, but this is just fan fiction. And there is a reason why put up specifically for people to create characters in a reasonable way. This is to make sure that the character DOES have a way to die in ANY circumstances at all. Also, this is not to infulence how the devs should make the mod, this is just for fun. Sure, some would like to edit the mod to put their character(s) in it, but this forum page does not serve that purpose. I also don't encourage the devs to stop what their doing and pay attention to all of this in the making this. In a way, it's a paradox, we make a character in a reasonable fashion, we set up how they are in this in an unreasonable fashion. 


Thanks for the comment, I do like to see more feedback on this, be it positive or negative.


Merci pour votre entrée.

Edited by Sven Co. Op, 28 January 2014 - 12:52 AM.

"I had normal life, till the day our thoughts got clouded in a dark shroud. My home was destroyed, then they found me, or rather, I found them.

#159 LusiGoosi

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Posted 28 January 2014 - 04:12 AM

Please remove me from your team nonsense. My only purpose in posting was to point out how egotistical and foolish you were for thinking you'd survive a war like this and making ridiculous anime OCs that don't even fit into the universe.


I think my "OC" is fine i tried to make it normalish. :p Also if he is a unit, who says he lives the war is not over as written, That being said, Fan fiction varies from realistic to exceedingly over the top it is a form of expression, of course you have the right to critique surviving or the ideas of others, but to say a work of fiction is egotistical seems silly to me. If we are too look at the characters we created as part of a bigger story and wanted to follow them, having them not die is not egotistical. I'm Sure a story could go like this " I arrived at the front today and took my place along the side of many other good men, I could not help but think of my family, My wife and kids. As I am rushed from the trenches I feel a sharp pain, then it all fades black.:" Realistic as that may be it does not make much of a story and is rather grim. For the story I'm writing, I'm making my "oc" dodge combat or is lucky, not a Rambo, he get wounded and survives often because he is not in the worst of it or is behind the lines. Trying for some realism, many of the characters who do real heroic things die or are wounded. Some just die that I build up...it happens.

Edited by LusiGoosi, 28 January 2014 - 04:18 AM.

#160 Wintersturm

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 09:21 PM

Hm, is it okay to not make 'over the top' OCs, but can we make tank commander/tank Hero units? :?




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