Hello chums, much like the rest of you I was enthralled with the promotional screenshots, trailers and video diaries released around 2003 and early 2004. Alas certain aspects didn't make it into the -what was still brilliant- commercial version of the game, therefore I write as a request/plea to all those striving to recreate and implement the absent assets I detail below.
Now I could take the initiative to read and understand the art of BFME modding, but I am a easily confused old fart who barely scrapes by with copied information I put into map.ini. Therefore I address this to those more capable and are already in the process.
1: The Cave Troll's neck chain
2: The possibility of grasslands (however I suppose this was removed for the sake of the game's engine)
3: Gandalf's carefree stance
4: Moving Grass (due to being walked over)
5: The bizarre Gondor castle, in truth I prefer the current one but it is still interesting with its external farms and strange internal buildings
6: The Edoras map advertised in one of the inside the battle videos - I'd love to recreate it with those great looking walls and buildings.
7: Those marvellous emotions
8: Aragorn's Bow, I'll admit I'm probably the only one to miss this however I was disappointed by its absence.
All right, maybe I just miss everything because I don't have it and if the tables where turned I'd probably miss the assets we have now. So I suppose the purpose of this topic is just a nice bit of nostalgia, which is always nice.