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Jettin' and Packin'

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#1 Enrico Satria

Enrico Satria
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Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:24 PM

I may have an idea for a unit probably sometime in the future by using the units from RA2 allies which was the jetpack soldiers, Checking the idea from WWII when Germany and post war US was studying for a personal flight devices so that soldiers and move faster to the target by flight. 




The German designed their own idea of the jet packs the Himmelstrummer but it was rather a concept and drawing board base


While the US grasshopper pack was tested on the post war not long after WWII but it was a jump belt and only flew in short distances


But its just an idea for the MIgeater studio while it is still in progress for future attachements ^^;

#2 Mig Eater

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Posted 07 April 2014 - 03:39 PM

Himmelstrummer is a fake, pretty much everything on that website is too. The US did work on jetpacks though but they only built a few in the 1960's

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