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New Realistic Helm's Deep Map [Movie Based Version]

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#21 Maximan


    Some Dude

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Posted 06 January 2015 - 03:20 PM



None of those two work. This is really frustrating lmao




Nevermind, I fixed it! What I had to do was go into Script Properties and uncheck the box that says Deactivate upon success and change evaluate script to every 5 seconds.

Thanks for the help though :D




I'm trying this on my minas tirith map

Only problem now is that it works a bit weird, it takes the walls far too long to attach. It goes straight to the wall, then it does a few 360 spins, goes away from the wall, goes towards it again and then attaches. Anyway to make it run more smoothly?

I dont know why this is happening to you, for me it runs smoothly. I am going to try to figure out another method for it then.



Idk if this will help but:


I've changed the scale of the Minas Tirith walls to 1.40 to make them seem larger and look more realistic. I've also scaled the siege towers to the same size so everything is equal. Maybe this is the reason they're not running so smoothly? But, I remember playing a few Minas Tirith maps before where the buildings were scaled larger and the siege towers worked perfectly. 


I've tried a few different things here and there but the siege towers go up to the wall, do a few circles, go away from the wall, go backwards into the wall and then attach. HOWEVER, not every siege tower follows the same pattern, some of them are faster than others and some don't do as many circles lol. 


I suck at explaining things, so if you want me to fraps the video of the siege towers going full retard, I can upload it to youtube


But, thanks for helping man. Would appreciate if you did find a solution.


I'd assume the objects for the wall and siege tower has a Geometry setup, this is how it looks for most infantry units:


Geometry = CYLINDER
GeometryMajorRadius = 8.0
GeometryMinorRadius = 8.0
GeometryHeight = 19.2
GeometryIsSmall = No
ShadowSizeX = 11;
ShadowSizeY = 11;
ShadowTexture = ShadowI;
You would have to change Major and Minor radius for both at least, while scaling, I think that's the solution here.

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