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MO's map

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#1 Meyerm



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Posted 21 May 2014 - 09:55 PM

A rough scetch I drew up of what the world might look like at the start of the campaign. It's drawn from what's told in the campaign, but I've also made up some stuff that's not mentioned, like Vietnam. Tiny islands were hard to paint due to pixels so I ignored some of them.




Blue- USA

dark blue- Euro Alliance

Cyan- Pacific Front

sky blue- Minor allied nations

Green- American military presence, Scorpion Cell activity

Red- Russia

orange- Latin Confederation

brown- China

dark red- N. Korea (Chinese protectorate)

light red- minor Soviet nations



You like?


EDIT- forgot to crop off text, lol

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Edited by Meyerm, 21 May 2014 - 09:58 PM.

#2 Darkstorm


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Posted 21 May 2014 - 11:19 PM

We're doing the map thing again?

Here's what I made when I was a beta tester. I figured Epsilon doesn't actually control anything officially so that is why the only Epsilon markings are borders around influenced nations.

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#3 Meyerm



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Posted 21 May 2014 - 11:24 PM

Not bad. Egypt and Korea are incorrect though. Was that before the campaign was finalized?

#4 Darkstorm


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 04:09 AM

This was before any of the single player maps were really finished, except arguably Unshakable and that Guantanamo bay mission since those were mostly carried over from v2.5, and when we were still working on the subfaction tech trees. Note the subfaction specific colors, an idea that was abandoned later I guess.

Edited by Darkstorm, 22 May 2014 - 04:11 AM.

#5 Meyerm



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Posted 22 May 2014 - 04:47 AM

Still an interesting map, though. I'm curious about all the red. Confederation is in the Americas, China the far east. Is all that red Russian occupied or just a generic color used for minor communist nations?


Also, I made another map of my predictions of the aftermath of Epsilon's initial attack on the world. Some colors as above apply. Red dots indicate Psychic Dominator locations. Inspired by pre-3.0 campaign.

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#6 Tyhednus


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 07:32 PM

Uh, Europe is Red at the end of Act 1.

#7 Meyerm



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Posted 22 May 2014 - 09:13 PM

I forgot to explain that bit. After the Allied campaign, it's explained that with the Chinese betrayal Soviet operations in Europe begin to fall apart. Now, since in Moonlight it appears Epsilon still has far ways to go before they're combat-ready, my idea was that ACT 2 starts off several months after ACT I. The Allies have pushed back the Soviets in Western and Central Europe, and North Korea and Easternmost China have been overtaken by Soviet and PF forces. Epsilon swoops in to key areas with their armies (which are still sorta small at this point) and activate Psychic Dominators to take control, in which they'd use their new land to recruit more members and assemble large armies that otherwise couldn't have been created in secret when they were still hiding. Cloaking devices on Alcatraz and the San Fran. bay power down to divert energy to the secretly-constructed Dominator, defenses, and a hidden support base for protection. Same goes for Libya, while brute force is needed in Moscow (mission maybe?)

#8 Meyerm



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Posted 25 May 2014 - 05:27 PM

I made an updated version of the prewar map, meant to include more of the world so there's not too many neutral nations. Based upon official facts from campaign and my own ideas.


MO map.png

Brief summary:

-Russia took control of Crimea in the 70's without a shot fired. Ukraine joins Euro Alliance for protection as a result.

-Middle Eastern Soviet Confederacy is a minor Russian puppet state. For all intents and purposes, in-game is Russian faction minus t2-up Russia exclusives.

Vietnam and North Korea use Chinese equipment. North Korea is Chinese protectorate.

-The British Commonwelath broke up in the 70's with many of it's nations dispersing. Those left use Euro Alliance tech.

-Middle Eastern Mutual Defense coalition was formed in reponse to communist incursions into the region. Uses mixed American and Euro tech.

-America occupies several regions to stabilize against communist insurrection.

-Scorpion Cell regions are American-occupied. Failed Russian-backed communist insurgency reulted in American intervention. Scorpion Cell would later salvage Russian equipment donated to the rebels for themselves.

#9 Darkstorm


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Posted 26 May 2014 - 06:02 AM

I should probably make a new map merging your campaign data with the colonial and other things that went into my map. I'll probably make Epsilon activity a separate map onto itself though. Also, just a  "did you know..." tidbit, the beta team actually had an on going thread about country allegiance at one point. It's too bad I don't have some of the other maps to show, some people had some pretty imaginative views of the world.

(I think I might message someone about seeing if we can get them posted here, maybe.)

Edited by Darkstorm, 26 May 2014 - 06:02 AM.

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