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Hecthor Doomhammer Livestreams

mental omega rise of the reds openra red alert c&c livestream

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#1 Hecthor Doomhammer

Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 11 June 2014 - 02:04 PM

Hello every one, my name is Hecthor Doomhammer and welcome to another strea...... ... Wait, I'm not streaming now.
Any way. For those who don't know it yet, I do livestreams of a couple of C&C mods, such as Mental Omega, YR: Red-Resurrection, Attacque Supérior and Generals: Rise of the Reds on my twitch channel The streams usually last for 2 hours per stream.
In this topic I will post updates on when I stream which mod.
Mental Omega is done currently on wednesdays at 18:00 GMT (daylight saving) together with Zenothist, who streams on The mentalmeisters channel and if your connection is up to it, you can view both streams side by side on our shared Kadgar basically allowing you to view the streams from 2 different perspectives, as Zenothist and myself are always observing/playing in the same games. Of course you as players are more than welcome to jump into our hosted games.
YR: Red-Resurrection, Attacque Supérior and Colony Wars are done on fridays, also at 18:00 GMT (daylight saving).
YR: Red-Resurrection is publicly available here which means you can join us as players on stream. Usually I try to stream this mod once per month. If demand gets high enough, this might change in the future,
Attacque Supérior is currently not available to the public, so the streams that we do of it, are basically a showcase of progress Graion Dilach makes in his mod. And once this mod is released to the public, of course you can jump in as players. I try to stream this mod once per month, but it depends on the progress that has been made in between streams, so there is a chance that in a given month there will not be an AS stream.
Colony Wars made its debut on July 11th 2014 on my channel Because it's still in Pre-alpha stage, it's not available to the public and just as with Attacque Supérior, we'll try to bring something new to showcase with every stream as development continues and hopefully I'll stream this once per month as well.
On other fridays on occasion, I do stream Mental Omega. I usually have a different co-commentator, or even multiple co-commentators and during these streams, I tend to me more laid back, relaxed and I may even play different background music.
Generals: Rise of the Reds is streamed on Sundays, at either 13:00 GMT or 14:00 GMT, depending on who my co-commentator is (daylight savings) and these streams are of the internal beta 1,85, which currently doesn't have a scheduled public release. In the future, once this version does get released, most streams will revolve around 1,85, but I've received word that from time to time I'll end up doing a pre-release 2.0 stream, to showcase new stuff.
In the info section of my channel, which you can find below the video window, I have posted lots of information about what I stream, when I stream and some of the images will lead to different links. So please take your time to look around and click on those images and links I've posted there.
One very important link is the Schedule and Countdown which I update after every stream, given I know what I end up streaming next, which shows you a countdown on when the next stream is.
I also have a Facebook page where I always post updates on anthing related to streams o videos I make.
Also, my Twitter is always up to date on what's going on.
I even have my own subforum on SWR Productions (forum currently down) where I post all sorts of updates, and where you can ask questions and give feedback.
Lastly, my Youtube channel is where all streams, except for some Friday MO streams, are uploaded as well.
So I hope to see you all on wednesdays, fridays and sundays.
Hecthor Doomhammer

Edited by Hecthor Doomhammer, 20 April 2017 - 01:12 PM.

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#2 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 11 June 2014 - 02:05 PM

The Chinese Generals betrayed Mother Russia with an agenda of their own, signing a pact with the Pacific Front, and as expected, Mother Russia didn't like it. And how does Mother Russia show that she doesn't like something? Bomb it with tonnes of Kirov's!
Hopefully Zenothist's connection has been fixed (I've been told it has been) so join me and Zenothist for another multi stream on my channel if you just wanna hang out on my chat, or, if your connection is up for it, on kadgar on wednesday June 11th 2014 at 18:00 GMT.
See you all then!

Edited by Hecthor Doomhammer, 11 June 2014 - 02:06 PM.

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#3 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 11 June 2014 - 08:38 PM




This upcoming saturday, June 14th at 18:00 GMT, it is going to be 1 major clusterfuck of characters on my channel on Twitch where I'll be joined by 2 of Rise of the Reds voice actors, Comrade Crimson and {G} (aka George) as we will randomly banter about whatever comes to mind. I will be having a few beers myself, so join me on saturday if you're not busy.

Countdown to the stream
See you all then!

Edited by Hecthor Doomhammer, 12 June 2014 - 03:12 PM.

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#4 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 17 June 2014 - 06:03 PM


It sure is a nice day for a cruise, just as tomorrow will be a nice day for a stream.
I'm not sure if Zenothist can join me tomorrow, so I'll advertise this as a solo-stream on my channel on Twitch
So join me tomorrow, June 18th at 18:00 GMT for the usual wednesday stream of Mental Omega.
Countdown to the stream
See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#5 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 18 June 2014 - 09:15 PM


20-06-2014 will be the day that the Malfested shall arise. Will we have another 3 vs 3? or even more players? Will Graion defeat me AGAIN? tune in this friday at 18:00 GMT to find out!
Attacque Supérior will be featured again on my channel (click on the image) for another 2 hour stream, where the mod leader, Graion Dilach, will join me as co-host and co-commentator and eventual opponent.
To find out more about Attacque Supérior, head on over to ModDb
Countdown to the stream

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#6 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 09:39 PM

This upcoming Sunday at 13:00 GMT, I will be joined by XAttus as we will have the first official showcase of the new Arena Gamemode in Rise of the Reds.
This video, below this update will serve as but a small teaser of what 1.85 will have in store for Arena Gamemode.
See you all on June 22nd, 13:00 GMT on My twitch channel
Countdown to the stream

The promo video for the Arena Gamemode streams

Edited by Hecthor Doomhammer, 20 June 2014 - 09:40 PM.

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#7 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 23 June 2014 - 07:41 PM

This upcoming wednesday, June 25th 2014 at 18:00, Zenothist will join me on the Mentalmeisters channel for another session of Mental Omega on Multi Stream at either My Channel on Twitch or our shared Kadgar link
Come hang out in the chat or in the lobby of Mental Omega.
Countdown to the stream
See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#8 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 28 June 2014 - 12:24 PM


This upcoming Sunday, June 29th my channel on Twitch will become Communist Central when I'm joined by Comr4de and Comrade Crimson for another Rise of the Reds stream. For the occasion I'd like to add that this stream will start at 14:00 GMT, which is 1 hour later than usual.
Until further notice, Rise of the Reds streams will start 1 week at 13:00 GMT and the week after at 14:00 GMT, switching every week, so keep that in mind.

Countdown to the stream

See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#9 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 02 July 2014 - 03:45 PM

Because Zenothist has a meeting he needs to attend to, we're delaying the start of todays stream by about 1 hour. So in stead of our usual start time of 18:00 GMT, we're starting at 19:00 GMT.
You can either watch it on my channel on twitch or on our Kadgar
Anyway, the countdown to the stream
See you all then

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#10 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 04 July 2014 - 02:51 PM

I honestly don't know what's going to be the special "thing" of tonight. I might put on some background music or not. Also I don't know who my co-commentator will be.
But any way, do come on over to my Twitch channel at 18:00 GMT tonight for another round of Mental Omega Stream.
Countdown to the stream
See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#11 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 05 July 2014 - 11:18 PM


Althought we had some big plans for this upcoming stream, it just didn't fit in our schedule and we're rethinking our plans regardig the subject.
This leaes us pretty much with a regular scheduled stream with regular games. But don't worry, we'll find a way to properly execute out (evil) plans.
Join me and The Hunter for another Rise of the Reds Stream this upcoming sunday July 7th 2014 at 13:00 GMT. The place? My channel at Twitch of course!
Countdown to the stream

See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#12 Starkku


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 08:50 AM

Sunday is 6th not 7th :p.


#13 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 10 July 2014 - 11:48 AM


This upcoming friday, at 15:00 GMT My channel will be hosting the first livestream of a new mod for Yuri's Revenge: Red Alert: Colony Wars by Atomic Noodles, lead developper of the mod.

"They have long stayed dormant. The Giant Ants have returned and are now wreaking havoc against those who tried to elminate them. Will you help them achieve their revenge or will you be the one to stop them? Colony Wars is a partial Conversion Mod for Red Alert 2 : Yuri's Revenge. The Mod aims to add in the Giant Ants (The Colony) as a fully playable side,A New Set of Campaigns for each side as well as adding new toys for the original three sides. Allies,Soviets & Yuri. Awaken the Swarm!!!"

Countdown to the stream


Colony Wars on ModDb


Hope to see you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#14 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 12 July 2014 - 07:56 PM


Tomorrow, July 13th 2014 at 14:00 GMT XAttus will join me as co-commentator as we will attempt another showcase of his Arena Gamemode. It's going to be 1 match tho, but still, both him and I will be playing, to give you an indication on which GP's are and are not available.
Join us at my Twitch channel
Countdown to the stream

See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#15 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 16 July 2014 - 03:33 PM


A little on the late side with the announcement, I know, but !blamehaxxan :p
Tonight at 18:00 GMT as usual Zenothist and I will hold another Mental Omega Multistream at Our shared kadgar or, if your connection isn't up to the task of holding 2 streams, you can always check it at my ownTwitchpage .
Countdown to the stream

See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#16 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 18 July 2014 - 02:49 PM

If you guys are up for it, you can join me and Omegabolt tonight at 18:00 GMT for another livestream of his mod, Red Resurrection on my channel on Twitch
Countdown for the stream
If you want to join is as player, which of course you can, you can download Red Resurrection from here
See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#17 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 18 July 2014 - 09:39 PM


This upcoming sunday, July 20th at 13:00 GMT The Hunter will join me as we host another casual stream of Rise of the Reds where we'll observe the GLA devestating everything in their path, China burning down everything in their path, USA's Airforce bombing everything in their patch, Russia streamrolling eveyrhing in their path and ECA just sitting tight at their massive wall of defenses.

This and much more can be seen at my Twitchchannel

Countdown to the stream

Also we want to know what sort of images you prefer as stream promotional material. Renders as you see here, or In-game screenshots as we've done a few in the past?
Poll for this

See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#18 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 23 July 2014 - 01:22 PM

The Latin Confederation was left alone as it had to fend off the entirety of the Allied Pacific Navy and it might happen, despite the text in the image, that I'll be left to stream on my own tonight.
So for that matter, I'll advertise this as a Solo Stream on My channel on Twitch tonight at 18:00 GMT
Countdown to the stream
See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#19 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 25 July 2014 - 03:01 PM

Somewhere on an archipelago in the Eastern Pacific, the Pacific Front hides their Cryogenics Research Facility.
Supported by their naval forces, Kappa Tanks and Chronosphere, the Pacific Front can strike at any location in the Pacific at will.
In the mean time, I will be hosting another Mental Omega Stream later today at 18:00 GMT at My channel on Twitch
Countdown to the stream
See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



#20 Hecthor Doomhammer

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Posted 26 July 2014 - 04:33 PM

While the Propaganda Airship supports his comrades on the ground by boosting their morale, I will host another Rise of the Reds stream tomorrow at 14:00 GMT. Perhaps a little shorter than usual, as I do have somewhere to go and the last moment I can leave is 16:00 GMT. So we'll see how everything goes.
The place of course is my channel on Twitch
Countdown to the stream
See you all then!

Streamer of Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and other mods



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