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Lost connection after 1 minute of correct T3A Online

bfme2 lost connection

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#1 Piockñec

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Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:14 PM

A friend of mine, who had the original game, installed the All-in-One swifter, and the T3AOnline.msi, and he could enter into the online without problems.


I installed in my computer the Online-Edition, removed the Gamespy address line and included the firewall lines with the port I used for the NAT portforwarding, and I CAN enter into online.

I can see my friend, and we can chat together. But after 1 minute of normal activity inside the T3A online server, my connection get lost.

I have tried it several times, and always the same. Always well, but after 1 minute, it appears a message:


Lost connection to Battle for middle earth II online, or something like that.


And it returns automatically to main menu. How can I fix it? Any ideas? Thank you very much!

#2 ICT



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Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:52 PM

I know of another guy who has the same problem, but he is able to play games.

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#3 Piockñec

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Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:58 PM

So the strategy is that the rest of players prepare the game and check the Ready box, and then I enter T3A server fast like a light ray and press the Ready button as well, in order to start playing as fast as possible? :S I will do so if it works, if there is no way to fix that problem :(


Thanks once again, ITC!

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