Hey all,
I recently found this mod and I want to play it so bad, as C&C Mashup would not work online or through hamachi for me no matter what.
So I installed Reloaded, after a fresh install of Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge. The problem is, whenever I enable it and hit play, it goes through the launching CnCNet, etc, then the command prompt pops up very briefly, then nothing. No game launching. Nada. It does this even if I have CnCNet disabled (just doesn't go through trying to launch CnCNet in that case). The exact same thing happens for my friend. The problem with this is there's no error to even start with. I've been trying to figure this out for the past hour and I'm usually good at troubleshooting with games. I'm stumped though, as I have no where to even start. Anyone else experiencing this/have any ideas?
Actually, here's the syringe.log file's contents. Not sure if that will help. I tried downloading ares 0.8 to see if that would change anything, it didn't. I still have 0.3 that came with Reloaded if I need to switch back to it.
[23:13:20] Syringe
[23:13:20] ===============
[23:13:20] WinMain: lpCmdLine = ""gamemd.exe" "
[23:13:20] WinMain: Trying to load executable file "gamemd.exe"...
[23:13:20] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Retrieving info from the executable file...
[23:13:20] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Executable information successfully retrieved.
[23:13:20] exe = gamemd.exe
[23:13:20] pImLoadLibrary = 0x007E1220
[23:13:20] pImGetProcAddress = 0x007E1250
[23:13:20] pcEntryPoint = 0x007CD80F
[23:13:20] dwExeSize = 0x00497110
[23:13:20] dwExeCRC = 0x7DE6FDC0
[23:13:20] dwTimestamp = 0x3BDF544E
[23:13:20] SyringeDebugger::RetrieveInfo: Opening gamemd.exe to determine imports.
[23:13:20] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs();
[23:13:20] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Recognized DLL: "Ares.dll"
[23:13:20] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Calling "Ares.dll" ...
[23:13:20] SyringeDebugger::Handshake: Answers "Found Yuri's Revenge 1.001 (modified). Applying Ares 0.8." (0)
[23:13:20] SyringeDebugger::FindDLLs: Done (1092 hooks added).
[23:13:20] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run(" ");
[23:13:20] SyringeDebugger::Run: Running process to debug. cmd = "gamemd.exe "
[23:13:20] WinMain: SyringeDebugger::Run finished.
[23:13:20] WinMain: Exiting on success.
Edited by TrIggA64, 09 October 2014 - 03:15 AM.