Best Answer Titan Cronus, 19 October 2014 - 06:47 PM
Hey man. I'm in a bit of a hurry to go out so im just going to copy/paste the install instructions from my mod and hope that that will help you. Sorry for the lazy response.
1: After extracting the mod, put it in your desired drive (something like "C:\Battle Of The Pelennor Fields" or "D:\Battle Of The Pelennor Fields" ) 2: Then make a copy of your shortcut that you use to run the RotWK game. 3: Go to the properties of the new shortcut and edit the target. Add this to the end of it (don't add these of corse, [ ] ). [ -mod "C:\Battle Of The Pelennor Fields"]. You need to add this exactly as it is here or it won't work. It should look something like this: "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Lord of the Rings, The Rise of the Witch-king\lotrbfme2ep1.exe" -mod "C:\Battle Of The Pelennor Fields". It's possibe that your Game may be installed in a different location but as long as you add [ -mod "C:\Battle Of The Pelennor Fields"] to the end of it, it should all work. 4: You can now load up the mod with this shortcut. You may want to change the shortcut image to something different too but thats optional. 5:Once you have the game loaded up, make sure you set the Model Detail to Ultra High in the custom setting before you begin playing.
Im not sure wtf is going on with the reply window but a can't paste into it so had to put it in code. really sorry.
NOTE: The single most important part of the mod command is putting a SPACE before and after the -mod bit in the new target. Ignore the last two steps of my instructions and of course your mod will be named something other than Battle For The Pelennor Fields. The new target is basically the old shortcut target + -mod (with a space before and after) + the location of your mod file.
Hope that helps.
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