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Oath of the Feanorians.....HELP

special powers

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#1 Parmenidesdeelea

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 02:27 PM

Hey guys I need your help ........ ....... I created a power for my hero Feanor, which is "The Oath of Feanor" consisting of the following:

1. calls his 7 children temporarily


2. provides temporary power (45 sec) to allied units around it (as TheodenGloriousCharge)


........ Now I want to do is add something else, that the units (+ heros) affected area to experience a progressive loss of health (for 30 sec. just after finishing the previous power), "The Curse of Mandos", something like when they are affected by poison.


as I do?

and where you added?



this is how this set the power:


; Oath of the Feanorians


Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_FeanorOathStarter

SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityFeanorOath

TriggeredBy = Upgrade_Level_10

ObeyRechageOnTrigger = Yes



Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_FeanorOath

SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityFeanorOath

StartsPaused = Yes

UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes



Behavior = ActivateModuleSpecialPower ModuleTag_CloseTheGap2

SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityFeanorOath

StartAbilityRange = 250

TriggerSpecialPower = ModuleTag_SummonFeanorSons 

TriggerSpecialPower = ModuleTag_OatoftheFeanorStarter



Behavior = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_SummonFeanorSons

SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilitySummonFeanorSons

OCL = OCL_FeanorSonsegg

TriggerFX = FX_DunedainSummon


StartsPaused = Yes



Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_OatoftheFeanorStarter

SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityFeanorCharge

UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes

StartsPaused = No



Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_OatoftheFeanorWeaponFireUpdate

SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityFeanorCharge

WhichSpecialWeapon = 3

SkipContinue = Yes

FreezeAfterTriggerDuration = 200

UnpackTime = 700

PackTime = 100

PreparationTime = 1

AwardXPForTriggering = 0

StartAbilityRange = 250

SpecialWeapon = OatoftheFeanorWeapon

MustFinishAbility = Yes





if you need more information I give them

thank you very much

Edited by Parmenidesdeelea, 27 February 2015 - 02:32 PM.

#2 Ridder Geel

Ridder Geel

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Posted 27 February 2015 - 03:38 PM

The power should spawn that weapon, which also has a Damage over time nugget :p

Ridder Geel

#3 Parmenidesdeelea

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Posted 28 February 2015 - 10:46 PM

Ok.....thanks .... I will try.....

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