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What to prioritize Overcharge on?

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#1 Rushing Russian

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Posted 28 February 2015 - 02:49 PM

So, ATM the Overcharge AoE is kinda small, and as Russia or Soviets in general, I like having alot of Tesla Troopers. Is it worth proritizing the Tesla Troopers rather than Tesla Crusiers in a fight?


The Tesla Troopers shoot tad slower but they have identical damage when I look at it. You can also affect much more Tesla Troopers than Tesla Crusiers with Overcharge. 


The Tesla Crusiers on the other hand can start hitting the enemy from a far distance and fires at a faster rate but you can buff only 9 at max. 


So supposed im fighting a balanced enemy ground force, do I prioritize the Tesla Troopers or the Tesla Crusiers? 

#2 Speeder



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Posted 28 February 2015 - 03:26 PM

Cast it on the group of all these Tesla units and then just split them? Overcharge's AoE will be increased a lot in the next build so it'll be an easier thing to do.


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