ЫЫЫ... 'ComradeStalin' was me, I'm registered again because i've lost my password :(
I can say that mod idn't dead, now it is called Time of War, and it will be for C&C3.
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Member Since 07 Jun 2007Offline Last Active Nov 09 2007 12:33 PM
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Astrakhan, Soviet Union
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In Topic: World War III
06 September 2007 - 01:47 PM
In Topic: United States Unit List
04 September 2007 - 02:37 PM
I think, the first satellite of USA is Britain, not Canada or Mexico... Really, not any political reason to join whole North America to one side.
In Topic: China Unit List
07 June 2007 - 11:31 AM
Type 96(MBT)
Actual name of this MBT is ZTZ-96 (new classification) or Type-88D (old classification)...
Type 86(IFV)
Main fighting vehicles of PLA are WZ-501 (licensed copy of Russian BMP-1) and ZSL-92 (wheeled APC with 25-mm cannon).
Type 95(AA)
->2 25mm cannons
Really it have quad 25-mm cannon and four QW-2 missiles (and its name in new classification is PGZ-95).
Su-30MKK Flanker
->8 R-27’s
->2 R-73’s
->4 bombs
->2 R-73’s
What about chineese Q-5F Fantan attacker? I think you should include more national-development chineese vehicles.
->8 HJ-10 ATGM’s
Actually, this helicopter isn't exist. It's only chineese propaganda agatation//
In Topic: United States Unit List
07 June 2007 - 11:17 AM
Your sides are too similar, IMHO you should make more differenses in units and tactics.
In Topic: Russian Unit List
07 June 2007 - 11:13 AM
Russia don't use Shilka and BRDM-2 anymore... Shilka was replaced on 2S6M Tunguska-M1 and 9K96 Pantsyr-S1 (in nearest future) and BRDM replaced on Tiger and GAZ-39371 Vodnik//
And what sense is in using two very similar tanks (T-90 and T-80)? I think it should be T-80AT Black Eagle (with 135, 145 or 152 mm cannon) or T-95 (with 152-mm cannon and air-defense 30-mm autocannons).
It is PAK FA - Perspektivniy Aviatsionniy Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsyi (this mean Perspective Aviation Complex of Frontline Aircraft)
Su-47 Berkut is not a PAK FA. Berkut is flying now but PAK FA is only is in development. First flight is planned on 2009.
And what sense is in using two very similar tanks (T-90 and T-80)? I think it should be T-80AT Black Eagle (with 135, 145 or 152 mm cannon) or T-95 (with 152-mm cannon and air-defense 30-mm autocannons).
its actually PAK-AF...I thing
It is PAK FA - Perspektivniy Aviatsionniy Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsyi (this mean Perspective Aviation Complex of Frontline Aircraft)
The Su-47 is being developed as the PAF-KA as a joint Russia/India/Sukhoi deal.
Su-47 Berkut is not a PAK FA. Berkut is flying now but PAK FA is only is in development. First flight is planned on 2009.
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