nice march update!,the menu just looks to cnc3ish(.....)
keep up the good worh
Thank you! ^^ yeah it does look quite cnc3ish still, but i think once i get around to replacing the old background with the bf2142 one, it'll look abit better XD
01 April 2010 - 08:35 PM
nice march update!,the menu just looks to cnc3ish(.....)
keep up the good worh
25 February 2010 - 01:18 AM
any news?
11 February 2010 - 06:26 AM
The way cnc4 is designed I doubt that it'll attract that many modders from the old cnc games... it's hardly worth the legacy of it's name in my opinion.
11 February 2010 - 06:21 AM
I'd like to include a Black Hawk similar to the one seen in the Tiberian Dawn FMV
The Primary weapon will be the minigun & any troops that are being transported inside it will also ba able to fire from it:
1. Is it possible to have the helicopter appear like the Orca does when built, but once it takes off from the airfield, it no longer reserves a space? (preferred). Or have the helicopter appear from above like the Hammer head does in Kane's Wrath?
2. Has the main weapon will be firing from the side, I'd like the helicopter to attack targets with the minigun side-on (The Orca attacks head-on). How would I go about coding this?
3. The helicopter has to be able to land to pick up and drop off troops, is this possible on the Orca locomotor?
4.Would there be any issues with there being garrisoned weapons & the main (minigun) weapon conflicting? For example the garrisoned weapon being used instead of the minigun? (I'm mainly thinking about the side-on attack that the main weapon uses vs the all around attack of garrisoned weapons).
11 February 2010 - 01:25 AM
Awesome update! Keep it up!
PS: I was wondering when you would update at the Guild, since you was just doing that at Moddb.