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Member Since 21 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 25 2009 10:37 PM

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In Topic: Political two dimensional test

13 July 2007 - 10:45 PM

Economic Left/Right: -7.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.79

Authorative Left Wing. Yepp, I haven't changed. Ah what fun it is to tell my liberal right wing friend how good socialism and communism is. (even though I prefer capitlism)
She allways ends up shouting and being angry at me.

Of course, it is impossible to map something two, three or even four dimensionally when it come to politics. It's better to just use names. (I'm a socialistic authorative religiously neutral low-nationalistic anti-facist with a hint of intelligence-based bigtory.)

Left Wing, Right Wing = Ding-ding. Center or Centre is the best for our lands in the West, and also not last nor the least for our friends in the East, we should all get together and have a good feast. :p

We're all bigots etc. to some degree or another.

If only the world were perfect, at least more cultured, calm, cool, collected and copestetic (sp?) like me, myself, and I. :p :lol: Burp. Good bier!!! Good food!!! I'd drink and eat it all if I could. :evgr:

Cheerios and ciao, Chris in Detroit

In Topic: Political two dimensional test

13 July 2007 - 05:36 AM

[quote name='MSpencer' date='Jul 9 2007, 06:29 PM' post='479235']
[quote name='GorGorgood' post='479091' date='Jul 9 2007, 02:55 PM']
[quote name='MSpencer' post='478024' date='Jul 7 2007, 05:27 PM']
[quote name='Caspa' post='477875' date='Jul 7 2007, 12:39 PM']
[quote name='MSpencer' post='477807' date='Jul 7 2007, 03:19 PM']

That tens of thousands of people were executed, and countless thousands more exiled to gulags in Siberia and never released? Or that the country racked up enormous debts on an international scale never before seen? Or is it the shiny buildings that you admired? Yeah, the ones which were for the upper 2% of the party aristocracy. Those that weren't, well... it's tough to be content when you have a lovely theatre down the street and you have no food... Or the blatant racism? "United forever in friendship and labor," except the Ukrainians... and those stupid Cossacks...
I would certainly never want to associate myself with Stalin...


I'd say the first one. Secondly, I agree with you about the Cossacks Traitorous swine. So glad Churchill shipped them back to Stalin for execution when the war was done
Proving that you're nothing but an ignorant racist. Apparently, some people just don't have the right to live due to their ethnic background?
You've just proven my point.

He's talking about the Cossacks and Russians etc. that fought with the Nazis for various reasons, not the Cossacks in their entirety. Many Cossacks remained loyal to Russia/the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War/WWII.

And you're a spineless defender of the murderous autocrat. Remember, instead of taking a hard line against the illegal state sponsored murder of individuals, we could always just agree with them!
You're worse. He is what he is, but you accept that, and make yourself a Neville Chamberlain.


He's talking about the Cossacks and Russians etc. that fought with the Nazis for various reasons, not the Cossacks in their entirety. Many Cossacks remained loyal to Russia/the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War/WWII.

And you're a spineless defender of the murderous autocrat. Remember, instead of taking a hard line against the illegal state sponsored murder of individuals, we could always just agree with them!
You're worse. He is what he is, but you accept that, and make yourself a Neville Chamberlain.

You think I am like N. Chamberlin!??! You haven't read many of my posts!!!

I do accept that because it happened and we can't change it now, just a fact. I also accept that there were Concentration Camps, the Rape of Nanjing, the Bolshevik Revolution or siezure of power from the people of all the Russias, the ACW, the Cold War inclusive of Korea and Vietnam, atrocities committed by people of all nations etc. simply because it did and does happen for varied reasons. I accept the fact that some of my neighbors survived Nazi Concentration Camps simply because it is a fact (I am of Polish descent, born and raised in Detroit, Michigan the old Arsenal of Democracy), I accept the fact that ears and heads are sometimes lopped off enemies' dead bodies by soldiers of many nations, but I do not condone this and I do not condone beheading etc. of live people/enemies, nor rape, murder, theft, etc.

Spineless?? No, I wouldn't be here today if I was spineless, but I do have some injuries. :grin:


In Topic: Tony Blair is dead!

13 July 2007 - 05:20 AM

The problem is not with skin color. Immigration in general has effects socially and financially on a country. For instance when Nigerians come to Germany the German government has to cover lots of expenses. Money that couldve been better spent fixing the joke of our economy, or the wonderful social problems that plagues Germany. At this time Europe could do without any more immigrants. You want to go to a better place go to America they will welcome you in open arms.

Same in the USA and France etc. Some of the recent immigrants simply take advantage of industrialized countries' social welfare systems, since there own countries can't support them.

This is the type of immigrant that is not wanted anywhere, not even in their home countries, and is why they immigrate en masse. Many are educated and simply wish to make a buck and they are dishonest and care not about the country they immigrate to in order to make a buck. Many are Medical Doctors that do this, and if they cared about their own people they wouldn't leave their own countries to take advantage of the more lucrative and loop-holed filled systems of the industrialized nations.

Can't actually blame people wanting to leave a very corrupt and poor and even totalitarioan type country though, it's just that many of these recent immigrants will never and don't want to adapt to the culture of or serve their new adapted country.

We all immigrated or migrated in our past histories, but some of these recent immigrants feel that the nations of the industrialized world owe them something. I/we owe them not anything.

We all need to correct social and economical problems in our own backyards rather than especting someone else to do it. Seems whnever there is a problem in the world somone where that problem is asks for help from the USA, Great Britain, France, germany, etc., the UN, and then a few years later they forget about the aid and help you gave them and spit in your face.


In Topic: red mosque siege

13 July 2007 - 05:04 AM

[quote name='MSpencer' date='Jul 9 2007, 05:55 PM' post='479213']
[quote]BTW, Ben Franklin wrote a book titled 'Fart Proudly', it can be found on Ebay etc.[/quote]
Carl Japiske wrote that book. I can't imagine that Benjamin Franklin would ever pick a name such as that.

Yeah, but Franklin wrote many of the quotes and witicisms in there, so in effect Franklin 'wrote the book' so to speak.

Franklin was known for some mmmm, 'mischevious' type behavior while in France with the French Court where he raised some eyebrows and made some jealous because many young courtesans liked him, and also known for what at the time may be considered 'impertinent' type behavior at times. Old Ben was a trip.


In Topic: Iran bans Western Haircuts...

13 July 2007 - 04:49 AM

Well Gor that seems rather biased. Perhaps it's the western side of your head that is allowed to grow fruitful and plenty and it's the eastern side that is shaved and barren. :mad2:

(I'm playing devils advocate here...)

Ha ha ha!!! But no, sometimes the Western Side of the head is the eastern Side of the head, just depends upon which direction one is facing, so the Western Side of the head can at times also additionally be the Northern and Southern Sides of the head.

Glad I always carry a compass. :grin:
