Economic Left/Right: -7.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.79
Authorative Left Wing. Yepp, I haven't changed. Ah what fun it is to tell my liberal right wing friend how good socialism and communism is. (even though I prefer capitlism)
She allways ends up shouting and being angry at me.
Of course, it is impossible to map something two, three or even four dimensionally when it come to politics. It's better to just use names. (I'm a socialistic authorative religiously neutral low-nationalistic anti-facist with a hint of intelligence-based bigtory.)
Left Wing, Right Wing = Ding-ding. Center or Centre is the best for our lands in the West, and also not last nor the least for our friends in the East, we should all get together and have a good feast.
We're all bigots etc. to some degree or another.
If only the world were perfect, at least more cultured, calm, cool, collected and copestetic (sp?) like me, myself, and I. Burp. Good bier!!! Good food!!! I'd drink and eat it all if I could.
Cheerios and ciao, Chris in Detroit