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Member Since 07 Jan 2024
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Sound modding interrogation

12 January 2024 - 12:21 PM

Hello everyone !


Im on the beginning of my journey in the fabulous world of modding dawn of war (here, dark crusade), and i still trying to figure how to properly modify the sounds of the game.

(to be more specific, i'm using the titanium wars mod for DC and i try to replace some of the sounds by my own)
As you saw on my previous topic, i wanted to change the heavy bolter sound to use the one from dawn of war 2 (i found it in the sound files of unification wars on soulstorm) and it worked thanks to your help.

I also manage to change the voices for a specific unit as well !

Now, i tried something else : changing the lasrifle sound from the guardsmen, using the same method and from UW too.

And also the auto cannon sound from the Hydra AA tank (new unit in TW, basically a chimera with 4 auto cannon for fire support. here, it uses the autocannon sound from the SM predator).

The thing is : it seems that the game doesn't allow the superposition of the sound from the same unit (or squad, for the guardsmen) or weapon.
So, i can hear the new sound, once. Then again, once, then again...
But actually, the unit or squad has fired multiple times, but i could'nt hear the shooting sound every time it shoots.


For the exemple, the original Hydra AA tank can fires its four auto cannons and you can hear the original shooting sound each time it fires.
But if i replace the sound by another, a tank cannon sound i found elsewhere, ive got this sort of delay between each sound.

Same thing with the guardsmen squad and their lasrifles.


My wish would like that anytime the unit/squad member fires, we can hear a new firing sound played.


Did i miss something ? maybe something with the _default.rat files ? I tried to modify them, little by little, to find out. But in the end, it seems it doesnt affect that, juste sound volume and spacialization...

I didn't notice this before with the heavy bolter sound, because the file is basically multiple shots recorded, and played as it, not a single shot.

Maybe i have to cut all my sound files so the file cut right at the end of the sound, allowing the game to repeat it immediatly after ?


I don't know really much
If you have some hints for me ?

Again, please forgive my english

Thank you for your time !!
Have a nice day !

How to modify a weapon firing sound ?

07 January 2024 - 04:24 PM

Hello everyone !


First of all, happy new year to all of you
next, please forgive my bad english


I hope i am on the right section, and above all, on the right forum !


here is the situation :

I play Dawn of war 1 since a loooong time, especially Dark Crusade (today, only steam version)

Recently, i have discovered that there are mods for DC, and some veryyyy good mods by the way.

I'm a single player, i played and finished the campaign many times now.
It was a very good experience to try it with mods. Today, i love to play with the Titanium wars mod (still on the solo campaign).

The thing is : i would like to "improve" it, in some way.

First thing i would like to do is : changing the heavy bolter firing sound


In titanium wars, the sound is the original one from dawn of war.

I have the sound i want, the same from Dawn of war 2 (i found it from unification wars mod folders, for Soulstorm) in .fda


If i take other sounds, convert them in .fda, rename theme in heavy_bolter_1 ; heavy_bolter_2 etc, they will be played when a heavy bolter is fired is Soulstorm when the UW mod is active.

What i tried :

there is initially no folders in the titanium wars data folders, opposed to unification wars folders where everything is there, accessible.

So i tried to roughly copy and paste the files in the titanium wars data folders, inspired by the path in the unification wars folders (both _default.rat file and sound files)


What happened : i have now a beeping sound when an heavy bolter is fired in Dark crusade.

If i just delete the .fda files, still got the beeping noise. I have to delete all the path and folders (data/sound/races/spaces_marines/troops_weapons/heavy_bolter) in the data folders of Titanium wars to have the original heavy bolter sound coming back.



I understand that i miss something, i have to do something to "create" a new section in the Titanium mod to link the sound to the weapon. I used Corsix Mod Studio to find the files in the .sga of titanium, thats where i learnt that they use the original sound and not a new one. Maybe thats the problem.

Anyway, do you have please any hint for me to change this sound on the mod ?

My goal is just to enjoy even more my time on this mod, and on this game. Nothing else.

Thank you for your time, please understand im a old guy who knows nothing about modding, i tried my best to sneak in the folders and understand, but its hard. English is not my first language, and i very bad in computers

Again, thank you for reading me

Have a nice day !