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Member Since 26 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 15 2008 10:18 PM

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In Topic: contra's fave unit.

26 October 2007 - 03:00 AM

K guys, this is what MY imagination of the mobile floating airfield.

We could have like the force field hanger on the back of the ship, making it launch like helis or something, and a airfield covering up the rest. The whole design of the titan seen in the video is kool, especially the bottom. (bottom cannons seen in video shoot out like artillary shells). We can make the design of the ship a lot more bigger. And if possible, we could even put a roof on top of that airfield..

To look more futuristic. Man, with this unit put into air gen, everybody would want to play with him.


We could replace the B2 bomber.. but that's just wrong..

Any ideas?

In Topic: Wishing to speak with mod team..

13 October 2007 - 11:48 PM

Hey creator,

if you have homeworld 2, would you like to play lan together sometime?

In Topic: contra's fave unit.

05 October 2007 - 02:28 AM

U know.. I've been thinking about this for a long while now.
Wouldn't it be cool to make like a floating aircraft carrier?
it'll be so cool and futuristic. ;) Kind of like something in CNC 3. Make the health of the aircraft carrier twice as much as the shaitan, make it hold only 10 free aircraft, also put a build limit of 3 on it.
What'do ya say?

In Topic: Wishing to speak with mod team..

05 October 2007 - 02:22 AM

Hmmmm, ma be i could give this to the shockwave team...
Or maybe get you a texturer?

U see, I have these lots of pro texture / modellor / scripting ppl in relic forumz.
They mod a game called homeworld 2. The game is like a rts game same as cnc, but in space. The units can move anywhere they want except outside the map. And the map is really huge so tons of space.

Anyway, if creator needs a texturer, i can offer one of those ppl the download of the whole cnc game in return for his or her work.

Well what i'm trying to say here is, this is a really cool unit. I don't care what yo udo with it if anyone wants it i'll model it for u.

In Topic: Wishing to speak with mod team..

03 October 2007 - 11:08 PM

And how should it work? It is a nice idea, maybe not like the standard cannon, more like one blast. Like the ion cannon from C & C 3.

hmm... I'll think about that. First i need some votes so that i can get to work. Most importantly, get a permission from Creator because I really want this unit to be in contra mod. I don't want to work my a** off for nothing when Creator decides not to add it to his mod. And your idea sounds nice but I think that will make the unit way to uber. Maybe I'll make it like a standard particle cannon that has a bit more range than the nuke cannon. You could maybe also move around the light ray killing everything in it's path. Though, that could be hard for the scriptors to make. For now, I REALLY NEED YOUR VOTES PPL!!!!!