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Member Since 21 Oct 2007Offline Last Active Dec 05 2007 03:34 AM
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In Topic: Some questions
15 November 2007 - 01:41 PM
And another question: How do you get to use CaH-heroes for new factions? Just adding the faction to the list of usable factions in the CaH-file doesn't work.
In Topic: Some questions
15 November 2007 - 11:15 AM
I already made a new porter. The two porters I start out the game with are the right ones but any porter I build is the old elven porter.
NoldorPorter's commandset:
NoldorFortress Commandset
And I did change the commandset in NoldorFortress.ini and make all the necessary commandbuttons. It appears that my fortress is using the wrong commandset for some reason but I can't really figure out why.
NoldorPorter's commandset:
CommandSet NoldorPorterCommandSet 1 = Command_Stop 2 = Command_PorterExtinguishFire 3 = Command_ConstructElvenMallornTree 4 = Command_ConstructNoldorBarracks 5 = Command_ConstructElvenStatue 6 = Command_ConstructElvenWatchTower 7 = Command_ConstructElvenMirrorOfGaladriel 8 = Command_ConstructEregionForge 9 = Command_ConstructElvenWallHub 10 = Command_ConstructNoldorFortress End
NoldorFortress Commandset
CommandSet NoldorFortressCommandSet InitialVisible = 6 //Main Menu 1 = Command_ConstructNoldorPorter ; 2 = Command_ConstructNoldorWarriorHorde ; Added for BFME2 Expansion 2 = Command_SelectRevivablesElvenFortress 3 = Command_SelectUpgradesElvenFortress 4 = Command_PurchaseNewEagle 6 = Command_Sell
And I did change the commandset in NoldorFortress.ini and make all the necessary commandbuttons. It appears that my fortress is using the wrong commandset for some reason but I can't really figure out why.
In Topic: Elvenwood for my hero
29 October 2007 - 03:07 PM
Made it work. Thanks, killer11. I have one last question concerning Elvenwood though. Is it possible to change what it does? Now it gives allied units 50% more armor but if I would like to change that...?
In Topic: Elvenwood for my hero
26 October 2007 - 12:49 PM
I have tried and failed as well. But I managed to add sunflare to a hero so I guess it must be possible to add other powers like elvenwood too? We just need the advice of somebody who really knows what he's talking about...
In Topic: Tom Bombadil as a ringhero?
26 October 2007 - 12:46 PM
I know you're just trying to help, elvenfury, but I don't think it's that simple. Have you ever made it work?
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