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Member Since 16 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 19 2009 11:13 AM

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Decal placement after death

31 May 2009 - 07:53 AM

Okay guys, I need a bit of help!

So, I've used similar coding to the blood used in Rise of Rome, when the blood sprays, and a decal is placed
on the ground after death yeah?

and this is what happens...

Attached File  BFME_2_death.bmp   1.05MB   83 downloads

Okay, so this is my code in
FXList FX_InfantryDeath
Name = InfantryDeath
DecalName = SCCInfantryDeath
Size = 5
Color = R:180 G:20 B:20

OpacityStart = 0
OpacityFadeTimeOne = 1000
OpacityPeak = 255
OpacityPeakTime = 750
OpacityFadeTimeTwo = 5000
OpacityEnd = 100

StartingDelay = 0
Lifetime = 9999999

and this is my directory for the decal:

C:\WAR Mod\art\compiledtextures\sc\sccinfantrydeath.dds

Im pretty sure the rest of the coding is alright
It could also be a problem with the decal itself... i'm not really too sure how an alpha channel works let alone in
GIMP... could someone please clarify or lead me to a quality GIMP tutorial for such a matter?
thanks guys :p

Defeat 4 minutes into a Skirmish

30 May 2009 - 03:21 AM

Hey guys,
I've started making my mod, got it set up, and started editing a few bits and pieces here and there.
I've been working on it for about 3 months.
Recently however, I try to play a skirmish, and whenever I get a bit into the game, say around 5 minutes, i get defeated,
and everything of mine dies?
I don't have a pirated copy (I searched this problem on the forums before, and that's why someone says it happens)
and I would rather not uninstall, because it's just such an effort! I will reinstall as a last resort, but i really don't want it to
screw up my mod!
Can anyone pose a solution?
thanks :p