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Member Since 04 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 19 2008 03:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Imperial Anti-Starfighter Tactics?

19 December 2008 - 03:13 AM

I don't think there are any cannon pics for the ranger, at least not that I've heard of.

My favorite tactic is spamming tho. With the way the AI likes to drop tons of dreadnought classes (SSD's, Praetors, Bulwarks and the like), I usually end up not using 'em at all. My killer fleets are usually 25-50 skiprays and 25-50 gamma shuttles. As long as I keep an eye on the lancers and Dreadnought cruisers, I've got them whipped every time. Not to mention I very much appreciate not having to deal with the massive turbolaser complements of the Executor (when I play rebel, at least) :D.

In Topic: At last we can reveal ourselves to the Galaxy…

19 December 2008 - 03:00 AM

all the 142 independent worlds......

The other 16 worlds are Empire/Alliance starting worlds.

That's it. I need a new computer...... I can't even get away with playing anything but the 30 something planet map in the current release.......

/cry I need a bigger pocket book....

In Topic: Rebel medical Frigate

24 September 2008 - 09:46 PM

Here's a concept we could work with. Obviously we aren't going to get it rigged up in space combat, but why not include it in space combat as an under armed nebulon B, then use a reskinned Tie/snowspeeder to use it in ground combat. It'd be unarmed and weak to imperial TIE's (or another counter can be devised), but it should be able to heal all ground units for a good range, say 300 units or so. If you make it rather slow, about as fast as an AT-AT or infantry who're spread out (I forget the name, but they crouch and spread out), a Rebel team won't be able to spam it easily. Making the heal rate slow (but for a good amount, say 20% of the health of the healed unit every ten seconds due to the size of the healing area), makes it less easy to get away with, and making it worth 5 unit points makes it impossible to use more than one and win, unless used successively. This way we get a bit of a balance between the space concepts and the ground ones but it still has a point.

In Topic: Phoenix Rising Space - Adjusted

14 August 2008 - 09:40 PM

I'm working on figuring that out now. I'll have to reinstall it all, but it should be pretty interesting to find out :p

Alright, it seems to be a little unstable, but yes, you build the turrets at the golans (which have replaced the factional space stations), and then drop them like normal reinforcements.

In Topic: Moding a mod >.<

03 July 2008 - 06:11 PM

This was discussed before, and it's impossible :/ I tried to mess with this as well. Still, why do you sell/suicide all your 'obsolete' units? They don't give you enought money back, and they don't cost additional population in PR. Better to leave them to defend planets or other tasks...

I find them to be generally useless. I use fleets of barloz/skiprays and gamma assault shuttles, so every upgrade has some serious connotations. Usually, the upgrades affect speed and add a modifier to the turbolasers and such.

It's also personal preference. I get used to how the high-end units respond and work, so when I use the older units it drives me nuts.

As for the hero concept, that sounds interesting.... I wouldn't know where to begin to see about pulling that off, but.... I like the concept there. The only potential downside I can see would be some conflicts with production (making the initial production space-side rather than on the ground) and the current glitches with hero deaths. There might be a way to bypass that by making it work more like a Fleet Commander, but That leaves you really open to hits by bounty hunters.