Alright, I'm sure most of this has been gone over before to some degree, but there are a couple of minor things I'd like to know how to do (even if it's not included/changed in the mod) so I can at least work with it on my own.
The first thing (and the biggest, imho) is to increase the planets' resource count universally by a factor of two (maybe more if I get bored ). I know how to increase the base rate, but I've no clue how to change the rate for mining facilities, trade routes, and such.
The second is to create a retroactive upgrade thing. Since the upgrades don't affect the units (say I upgraded the CC-90's to CC-95's, my CC-90 fleet would still be CC-90's) could we insert a build option that updates them all? Or, for that matter, could we be even more selective and say only upgrade the vessels in orbit over the planet doing the research (to be more canon ^.^)?
If it's just a matter of coding, I've got plenty of free time and a decent amount of skill (just need to understand what to do), and can send the modded files to PR or whomever's working on the mod if they want it. From what I understand, hacking the interface is a real pain, but this shouldn't be too hard to pull off...
Thanks in advance!
Member Since 04 Mar 2008Offline Last Active Dec 19 2008 03:13 AM