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Member Since 14 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active May 07 2009 03:42 PM

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In Topic: Admiral! We have enemy ships in sector 47!

07 May 2009 - 03:43 PM

you will have to forgive my absence, but work has been quite busy. did we ever figure out what the problem was with the AI not upgrading space stations? I know it's been a while, but I'm curious.

In Topic: AI building/attack logic - or lack of it

07 March 2009 - 06:37 AM

I'm using spawn squadron on my ISD's. It would be easy to add corvettes in there, and add this ability to other ships. It's only a matter of calculating price and what units you want. Otherwise this would be a pretty good idea. The only question would be if the AI uses the ability or not, which you could just always ad as a default.

Overall not a bad idea though.

Also this doesn't eliminate the problem of the AI not building space colonies.

Edit: Merged.

In Topic: AI not building space colonies

18 February 2009 - 06:34 PM

Well the ground units function flawlessly. They build up structures, units and then send them to conquer. I'm going to take a look and see what is so different.

Is it possible that the perceptual equations are different? Your space combat is flawless. In fact out of the 10 people who I know that play your mod, it has been unanimously voted the best. The problem is clearly the infrastructure on both sides (since the empire won't build colonies either). Perhaps it's something in the infrastructure file. I will just keep poking around the files until I learn more.

In Topic: AI not building space colonies

18 February 2009 - 03:06 PM

I am trying diligently to make this work. I need to know where you put the preq-s for star bases. I.e. where it says that star bases can only be built after colonies. I tried using the setting 0 for star base requirements (in star_base.xml), but then it ended up putting the star base button on the land build que, oddly.

Well... that's it. Without a star base level requirement, it's just not a space unit, and the colony is our only proper star base now. Everything else is a glorified long-range scanner as far as the game is concerned.

In that case I can't make it work without more of your help, or a better understanding of listing building requests. When I set the requirements to 0 for starbases, they simply don't appear in the build menu.

In Topic: AI not building space colonies

17 February 2009 - 02:24 PM

You are correct. Until yesterday I didn't realize there was a problem with the Reb station AI. I actually never mentioned that I had Rebs building larger starbases.

Just a misunderstanding I guess. No worries.

Well I know that there are magical unit spawns in the AI coding. Perhaps that's what happened?

I looked into using those to spawn star bases, but they appear to have been turned off for FoC. Not that you can't turn them back on, but I don't think the AI should be spontaneously spawning units in the release version.

I am trying diligently to make this work. I need to know where you put the preq-s for star bases. I.e. where it says that star bases can only be built after colonies. I tried using the setting 0 for star base requirements (in star_base.xml), but then it ended up putting the star base button on the land build que, oddly.

So I am still forging ahead.

Also, the AI certainly is spawning the ships from nothing, I will provide screenies if necessary. They are building ships from the 3rd station (dreadnought + mc40's)