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Member Since 17 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 09 2024 04:21 PM

#1018483 I made a thing. Then I made it move.

Posted by Yarrum on 12 November 2015 - 03:10 AM

Hey guys! It's been a while. I'm great, thanks for asking.


I've been doing some work for my undergraduate animation class that I thought might be appreciated here. The model isn't particularly impressive, I've done much better, and I made it by following a YouTube tutorial because I was feeling un-inventive that day. I think the animation of it is much more interesting, so that's what I want to share.


As for why I made a new thread even though I do have one already: I didn't think it would be appropriate to revive a thread with six pages of dead image links just to have this as the last post. Also, I've been posting in that thread since I was a freshman in high-school and my old online presence embarrasses me.


I did my modelling work in 3ds MAX and then moved over to Maya to create a skeleton and frame out my animations. I hate Maya. It's no fun to use. But I did it anyway. Because that's the kind of man I am.




I have two other animations that are saved as .webm files instead of .gif so I can't embed them in this post. You can see them here if you want.


Peace out y'all.

#864669 3D Artwork by Paul Murray

Posted by Yarrum on 26 October 2011 - 03:20 AM

Hey guys. In the following post, I will display all of my 3D models, as well as some collaborative efforts between myself and my friend and texture artist Louis_Lux. All of the following models were created and UV-mapped by myself, Paul Murray, and any textures were made by Louis.

Links to projects that I work on or have worked on with Louis can be found:
Here, here, and here.
In all instances, I am credited by my online name Yarrum rather than my real name.

As this is where I will be showcasing my work for my job applications (I've already received permission from Rob38), I would appreciate it if you guys could refrain from replying to this thread. Any discussion of my work may be carried on in this thread.

I present my models, all of which were scratch-made in Autodesk 3ds Max or Autodesk Maya.

Aragorn's Elvish Hunting Knife, untextured and textured:



Sam's Barrow-Blade, textured and untextured:



Sam's Shire Salt Box:

Steel Bow:


Eowyn's Helmet:


Aragorn's Utility Knife:

Faramir's Sword and Scabbard. The two models together are about 4600 polygons. This took me an upwards of fifteen hours to make and is still a work in progress:



Mouse Model and Animations:

