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Member Since 24 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2009 09:03 AM

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In Topic: OH my GOD GLA is so screwed !

01 September 2008 - 12:21 AM

i never had any trouble with the money or units in gla perhaps the "learn to play " idea is not so bad afterall ilove gla btw

:) perhaps you are just a very special elite breed of people meant to do great things

Hmm... i tested to play as GLA and i have no probs with money at all. i had lotsa money and i built lotsa unit that i don't even have to think of any attack strategies; just send all of them into the enemy's base. THEY WILL LOSE. AI weak defense against overpowered units - no chance

In Topic: contra006's game.dat

01 September 2008 - 12:11 AM

It is not very important. But I thought that it could fix some crashes and mismatches in multiplayer games.

Well, i do experience mismatch during replays while using cracked game.dat but thats quite rare.

In Topic: OH my GOD GLA is so screwed !

15 August 2008 - 01:11 AM

poison general is quite strong but compare to nuke_gen/supw_gen ai....i can't say any GLA can stand it. when i say this i mean from an ai stand point cus i love ai killing each other. also GLA gen ai don't build any airfield tooo...

GLA ai is soo weak...

In Topic: Suggestions

15 August 2008 - 01:04 AM

AI Nuke not build any defense.
Okay, i understand about going all out but at least some defense like gatt cann and a couple of that cannon bunker thing.... and only builds ONE NUKE SILO. come on... its Nuke General. it should build like 4-5 nuke silos.

Okay enough with Nuke General now.
I've been wondering how about pick one GLA gen and make it more "civilised" by giving it a proper nation (like IRAN but not literally IRAN). it ai should be able to build airfield, has power station, combine russian and western weaponry.

In Topic: Game Crash

12 August 2008 - 05:12 AM

If I move the files to the zero hour the launcher can not find the Scrips from Data/Scripts
Moved or copyed to the Zero Hour Folder?

well if you move the files into zero hour folder than you do not need to run the launcher. just run the game