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Member Since 24 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 17 2009 09:03 AM

Topics I've Started

Skirmish Game Menu

12 January 2009 - 09:44 AM

I've been thinking about this for a while now. I tried but coudn't find out how.

i want to do some menu modification but i don't know what file to edit and how to do it.

all i want to do is to disable team selection whenever i want to play skirmish. I want to have the feels like playing Red Alert or Tiberium Sun where the only skirmish play available is "free for all".

Yes i know, i can put neutral for all player but i want to know how to edit the menu so that every player is forced to play "free for all", NO GANGBANG allowed.

I haven't seen this in any mod i played so i wanna do it. PLEASE help. I already know how to add unit or edit skirmish.ini. menu editing is kinda hard for me to explore. I really NEED HELP

contra006's game.dat

11 August 2008 - 11:13 PM

i want to ask about GAME.DAT that comes with contra006. why is it so important to replace the ZERO HOUR'S GAME.DAT?
i use the no-cd version of GAME.DAT so i didn't use that file that comes with contra006. the mod still works fine with me.

playing ZERO HOUR with cd is no fun. i got one samsung dvd writer that sometimes read cd/dvd and sometimes not. its only one year old and never use it to play any game, just install though. now i even make use the habit of installing game from hard drive because my dvd usually stop reading in the midst of an install