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Member Since 24 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 19 2010 07:54 PM

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In Topic: Population Cap

05 February 2010 - 05:56 PM


That's the line, directly out of my Factions XML. That one is for the rebels (although I did set all factions to 288). Not sure why it isn't working for you...You do make sure to save it, right? Can't think of anything else that would cause this.

Oh I found out what it was, You have to save and then CLOSE the XML before launching the mod. Otherwise it gives you a population limit of 20 in space skirmishes.

In Topic: Population Cap

05 February 2010 - 01:13 AM

I know I have the space cap at 288 or something like that.

But I am not sure how to do anything to the ground cap.

What exactly does the command look like? I tried setting mine to 288 and it still maxed out at 20. I can't find any other line that would relate to Population Limits

In Topic: Population Cap

04 February 2010 - 04:23 AM

But concerning Space Skirmishes, every time I take the Unit Cap above the 96, I get limited to 20, what's up with that?

In Topic: Population Cap

04 February 2010 - 12:22 AM

Wait, are you trying to increase the Galactic population cap? If that's the case, then that's managed by Planets.xml, I believe.

If not, then I have no idea.

Nah, just skirmish. Not to concerned about Galactic population cause it's way to big laggy for my enjoyment. Just want to increase the skirmish population limit. I know how to increase the space skirmish but ground is pretty hard to find.

In Topic: Population Cap

03 February 2010 - 09:54 PM

<Land_Skirmish_Unit_Cap_By_Player_Count>0,10, 1,10, 8,5,<Land_Skirmish_Unit_Cap_By_Player_Count>
I'm confused, is this the unit cap (this is for the rebels)? Or what... A single number would have sufficed. How would I go about this, is this some kind of Ratio? I want to make the forces larger.

Ah, right. Land is different from Space (Duh...). I'm not at all sure how the land cap works...so I can't definitively help you there.

My best guess, however, is that it's listing the maximum cap if there are the minimum number of players, and the minimum cap for the maximum number of players, and the game will scale between. The second value is probably to keep the cap static between having one player (Quite impossible though) and two, so it doesn't scale down to 9 units for two players. It also appears that it treats the player count like the team count (Making a map has in-game Team 1 listed as Team 00). So 0-8 will then adjust to 1-9, which fits what I know for Skirmish (For a 3-team match with 3 players per team, max). So to increase the cap, try increasing the first two values from '0,10' and '1,10' to '0,#' and '1,#', with '#' being your choice for the cap. You can change the last value if you want, but shouldn't be necessary, unless you plan to have more than two players in a match.

The different faction caps will obviously be different, but to be fair, change them both accordingly.

Didn't work, grr, I tried raising the value of the first number, but it still didn't do anything to affect population caps. Any other ideas of how to get the mod to raise the capitol pop?