Member Since 06 May 2008Offline Last Active Nov 03 2012 10:19 PM
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Gfire → Emperor of the East
What do you mean by that? You'll need to make a new asset.dat and code in the new stuff.
Nov 16 2009 02:15 AM
Emperor of the East → Gfire
Thank you for helping me get started on Man Versus Man, Now I just need to find out how to get w3d working...
Nov 16 2009 01:41 AM
Thank you for helping me get started on Man Versus Man, Now I just need to find out how to get w3d working...
Ridder Geel → Gfire
Hey Gfire, sorry about the crashes but i uploaded a new fixing rar thing with a replacement RCData.big, replace the old one with this one and it should work :P
Feb 23 2009 09:01 AM