I'm looking to create some certain heroes for my arena. Worldbuilder is no problem with me, but I'm very unfamiliar with the map.ini modding.
In short these are the heroes I need to create for my arena.
-Spider Hero-
Skin: Spiderling or Shelob
Name: Vorgoth
Armor: High
Health: Medium
Attack: about medium-low but with a high poison effect
Level 1: Rampage (acts like Berserker's rage, probably lvl 2 or lvl 3)
Level 3: Silk Wrapping (acts like Gorkil's scorpion sting)
Level 4: Summon Spiderling Allies (probably 3 or 4 for the same amount of time the actual spell is)
Level 6: Inspire Fear (acts like any of the fear skills that actually cause enemies to run in fear)
Level 8: Bite (acts like wizard blast in a shorter but wider range in front of the spider)
Level 10: Mass Poison (Acts like word of power, except slightly smaller range, and adds poisoning effect with damage, and possibly a green color to it)
-Warg Hero-
Skin: Warg
Name: Uk'rahs
Armor: Average
Health: Medium-high
Attack: Medium-high
Level 1: Crushing Charge (ability to crush and 150% armor)
Level 2: Great Howl (acts like normal wizard blast)
Level 3: Crippling Jaw (acts like cripple strike melee version)
Level 6: Backbone (significantly reduce armor and damage of nearby enemies)
Level 8: Warg Strike (if possible I'd like to take the animation of the Ice wolf's attack but change the wolves to wargs)
Level 10: Headbutt (Severely damage a single enemy while knocking nearby ones back)
-Wolf Hero-
Skin: Wolf
Name: Percival
Armor: Medium-low
Health: Medium-high
Attack: High
Level 1: Blood of the Enemy (Passive, attacks or kills slightly restore some hp)
Level 2: Chilling Fangs (if possible I'd like to take the Witch King's ability to turn people into wights, and change it to where this hero can turn enemies into regular wolf units)
Level 4: Thick Fur (acts like invulnerability)
Level 6: Blood Restoration (acts like Elrond's restoration)
Level 8: Piercing Gaze (acts like Istari Light/Light Blast)
Level 10: Great Howl (acts like word of power, large radius, more power towards the middle, less power but slightly more knockback further out, with possibly a pure white color to it)
-Wight Hero-
Skin: Wight
Name: Nighvel
Armor: Medium
Health: Medium
Attack: Medium-high
Side Note: Could use a normal speed for him as well
Level 1: Convincing Gaze (coerce lvl 1)
Level 2: Mind Tricks (acts like necromancer's siphon strength except the hero gains the strength and armor bonus)
Level 4: Nightfall (acts like barrage lvl 3)
Level 5: Rise of the Moon (Summon 6 wight allies)
Level 7: Cover of Darkness (Acts like blink)
Level 10: Shadows Never Die (Invulnerability, with a high boost to attack and run speed for a medium duration)
-Drake Hero-
Skin: Regular Drake
Name: Flint
Armor: Medium-High
Health: High
Attack: I want to keep the spread damage but severely lower the amount of damage it inflicts. I don't want him to instantly kill units, but I don't want him to be completely useless.
Level 1: Fireball (acts like mighty fireball or drogoth's fireball with a slightly faster recharge)
Level 3: Breath Flame (breathe fire over a certain area)
Level 5: Fiery Missile (acts like Drogoth's)
Level 7: Consume (hero eats a regular unit to regain health and gain a moderate attack boost)
Level 8: Eruption Debris (acts like a weak barrage but with a fast recharge)
Level 10: Dance of the Volcano (acts like rain of fire)
All credit will be given to the person is is able to help me with this. If you have any questions just ask me, and I'll be glad to answer.
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Member Since 22 Jul 2008Offline Last Active Nov 14 2008 12:21 AM
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Could use help with heroes
24 August 2008 - 06:23 PM
Granting powers to non-hero types
24 August 2008 - 01:25 AM
Ok I'm creating an arena, but I want the combatants wolves and wargs. I want to grant them certain powers and if possible name the powers. I've seen plenty of "gladiator" type maps with heroes that have different types of powers.
If anyone can explain, or link me to a tutorial I'd be much appreciative.
Or if possible, how do would you go about creating a hero type while using the skin of another unit.
If anyone can explain, or link me to a tutorial I'd be much appreciative.
Or if possible, how do would you go about creating a hero type while using the skin of another unit.
Player Destruction
22 July 2008 - 08:23 PM
On a map I have made, it requires that the players make a unanimous vote, so they all have to be able to move or be destroyed to allow others to continue. My problem is when people leave for some reason it's not destroying them. Is there any way to fix this? I can't have the map fully functional like I want to unless I can find out why they're not going away.
Map Won't Load Correctly
22 July 2008 - 11:15 AM
Ok the map is showing up on my list, just wanna clear that up, but the problem is when I click on it to load it it gets to 30% and stops. The music is still playing but I think there's an error in it somewhere.
To help narrow down the problem I'll try to describe the map, and I know it probably has something to do with the fact that it's an arena.
-The map has everyone on the same team (not sure if this could be the problem but I've played other maps where everyone is on the same team)
-The enemies spawn as creeps
-The scripting goes to a certain point, it's not complete yet as I wish to test it before I proceed but this should not affect it
-it has a map.ini file with it that a friend of mine gave me to remove forts and builders (I think maybe this could be the problem I don't know but the text for it is as follows)
that's all that's in there, he said there isn't more that needs to be put in, but I'm just double checking.
Those are the only reasons I can think of why my map may do this unless someone else knows of more. I just want to get this thing working
To help narrow down the problem I'll try to describe the map, and I know it probably has something to do with the fact that it's an arena.
-The map has everyone on the same team (not sure if this could be the problem but I've played other maps where everyone is on the same team)
-The enemies spawn as creeps
-The scripting goes to a certain point, it's not complete yet as I wish to test it before I proceed but this should not affect it
-it has a map.ini file with it that a friend of mine gave me to remove forts and builders (I think maybe this could be the problem I don't know but the text for it is as follows)
PlayerTemplate FactionMen StartingUnit1 = NONE StartingUnit0 = NONE StartingBuilding = NONE End PlayerTemplate FactionElves StartingUnit1 = NONE StartingUnit0 = NONE StartingBuilding = NONE End PlayerTemplate FactionDwarves StartingUnit1 = NONE StartingUnit0 = NONE StartingBuilding = NONE End PlayerTemplate FactionIsengard StartingUnit1 = NONE StartingUnit0 = NONE StartingBuilding = NONE End PlayerTemplate FactionMordor StartingUnit1 = NONE StartingUnit0 = NONE StartingBuilding = NONE End PlayerTemplate FactionWild StartingUnit1 = NONE StartingUnit0 = NONE StartingBuilding = NONE End PlayerTemplate FactionAngmar StartingUnit1 = NONE StartingUnit0 = NONE StartingBuilding = NONE End
that's all that's in there, he said there isn't more that needs to be put in, but I'm just double checking.
Those are the only reasons I can think of why my map may do this unless someone else knows of more. I just want to get this thing working
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