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Member Since 02 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2022 09:56 AM

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In Topic: Feedback

03 December 2012 - 06:47 AM

Found 2 bugs in missions. Soviet 3 triggered an Lightning Storm.Attached File  7186048165D956ACDF988A87FE616053.JPG   150.17KB   46 downloadsSoviet 10 transport doesn't exists.Attached File  4896F02C9FE3666F50C1B6C9403751DF.JPG   106.14KB   51 downloads

In Topic: v3.6 bugs

25 July 2012 - 01:45 PM

Breda 40 costs 2000 but 1000 in war factory
AT-T can be built without supply deport

In Topic: C&C: Reloaded 1.0.2 (minor update)

17 July 2012 - 05:56 AM

The alternative way would be make to put the Jammer feature when the unit is undeployed as I tried some time ago to help the harrasment (is the reason of the turret spin but I didn't disabled that). Since classic Gap/Stealth Generators aren't buildable and the vehicles doesn't need energy I'll wait some time until I gather more comments to judge it.
I like both ways (like it works or as I said now) but only one can stay :-/

Soviets in Red Alert 2 had that building so (in my opinion) not all the technology should be stolen by Yuri for his new faction. and because I'm making this faction game style more customizable for the player. In all case I'll change graphics for the Yuri version & the Yuri's building will not be affected by this rule, since you have to capture a ConYard.

I think you should prevent Yuri/Soviet Cloning Vats can be built when a Soviet/Yuri Cloning Vats exists,or it will be unblanced

In Topic: Feedback

16 July 2012 - 08:04 AM

Nod artillery‘s firing sound isn't in TS

In Topic: A Bug about 2.0 series

14 July 2012 - 03:51 PM

That doesn't happen in 3.0.

I hope so,because I like playing MO without quick game mode.