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Nuclear Winter

Member Since 21 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 23 2020 03:24 PM

#1111127 Map Text Triggers

Posted by Nuclear Winter on 23 August 2020 - 02:32 PM

One way is that you could split up ur text into separate triggers, and vary the elapsed time between each trigger. Or you could create a chain of enabled triggers, with the last text trigger enabling the next text trigger after some elapsed time and so on...

#1110671 Text Trigger in Map Maker

Posted by Nuclear Winter on 02 August 2020 - 03:41 AM

Can u say how or methods... Actually i am new to this text trigger so.. Can u help me it will be helpful..


Here's roughly what you need to do:


1) Download a Str file editor (recommend TurboStringTableEditor)

2) Find, copy and paste a .csf file into your MO directory (name it something like stringtable99.csf), this file will hold your strings

3) Use the editor and open up the .csf file, you'll see sections like "MISSION, POSTBRIEF" and under each section there will be various strings

4) For example, if you want a text string within your mission to appear, click on the "MISSION" section

5) Create a new string and name it like "string99".

6) Save and close the csf file

7) Go to FinalMO editor and open up your map

8) For your text trigger, set the parameter value as "mission:string99"