I like the Lord of the Rings books(I've read Silmarilion,FOTR,TTT,ROTK,the Hobbit, Children of Hurin and wonna read the Unfinished Tales and Lost Tales ;) ) Favorite hero - Aragorn :)<br /><br />BFME, BFME2,BFME2 ROTWK, RJ-ROTWK are my favorite LOTR games. Other computer games I enjoy: CS:S, Quantum of Solace, Crysis, F.E.A.R.2 Project origin, FarCry2, Alone in the Dark 5.<br /><br />Favorite films: fantasy: The LOTR trilogy; Historical: The Kingdom of Heavien, The Patriot, Gladiator, The Last Samurai, The Breave Heart, The Troy, King Arthur; Actions: James Bond films espetialy Casino Royal, Quantum of Solace...;