You know,there is a simple *.ini file in \My documents\Application Data\My Rise of the witch-king files\ folder and it solves the problem of low resolution complitely. Just tipe your resolution in this *.ini file and here you go, you've got 1920x1080 or what ever you want
Nothimg to mod here I guess.
Note: The folder is hidden so you have to turn off "hide hidden files" option.
Hope someone will read this post eventually...
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Member Since 11 Dec 2008Offline Last Active Dec 04 2013 08:34 PM
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- Active Posts 176
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- Age 31 years old
- Birthday February 11, 1993
Ukraine, Kiev
I like the Lord of the Rings books(I've read Silmarilion,FOTR,TTT,ROTK,the Hobbit, Children of Hurin and wonna read the Unfinished Tales and Lost Tales ;) ) Favorite hero - Aragorn :)<br /><br />BFME, BFME2,BFME2 ROTWK, RJ-ROTWK are my favorite LOTR games. Other computer games I enjoy: CS:S, Quantum of Solace, Crysis, F.E.A.R.2 Project origin, FarCry2, Alone in the Dark 5.<br /><br />Favorite films: fantasy: The LOTR trilogy; Historical: The Kingdom of Heavien, The Patriot, Gladiator, The Last Samurai, The Breave Heart, The Troy, King Arthur; Actions: James Bond films espetialy Casino Royal, Quantum of Solace...;
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- Additional Nicknames For Revora I'm Anri1, for hamachi Aragorn(Anri)
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In Topic: Incorporate "BFME2 Widescreen Fix" into RJ RotWK?
05 May 2011 - 11:03 AM
In Topic: Campaign
14 December 2010 - 07:27 AM
Hi every1,
I'm new here
I am playing this mod for a week now I think and I really like it
I have some questions:
Is the mod dead and is there any1 online on the forum?
Can any1 post the order for the BFME1 style campaign?
I hope some1 reads this
Ok, you're quite lucky I read it
Unfortunately mod is quite dead and the forum too....
The only thing that can revive both the mod and the forum is the Return of Robert J. and since the Real life captured him I don't think It's gonna happen soon.
But lets hope anyway.
About the campaign order, I don't realy remember the exact order.. But it should be the same as in BFME1. So you shouldn't play helms deap until you get all the heroes there for example. And however it's better to search for the order of missions googling.
Hope that was somehow useful...
In Topic: Mod's status
25 June 2010 - 10:06 AM
DUDE!!!! That's some damn good news!!!!! I've lost hope allready!!
I'm so glad you returned, Rob!
I'm so glad you returned, Rob!
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