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Member Since 12 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 31 2010 04:27 AM

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In Topic: Where to begin?

21 December 2008 - 04:26 PM

Am about to leave, but just noticed I didn't catch those at first glance

- Change starting resources to 1500. I did this in the gamedata folder, but for some reason it doesn't change the game. Is there something else I need to do?


Look for StartMoney.

- Give Frodo and Sam a build cost and a build time. Do I just write one in the gamedata folder, like...


For the sake of simplicity and later retrieval, put this in the Design Parameters of their respective .ini files.


You'll then need to put these # references somewhere. Either top of the unit file or gamedata.
#define FRODO_BUILDCOST 375 

Without the references, this could look like this:

BuildCost = 375
	BuildTime = 30

In Topic: King's Favor as a Spellbook power?

21 December 2008 - 03:41 PM

Oh. So I should throw in the exp bonus within the ping. Will give it a try.

In Topic: Where to begin?

21 December 2008 - 03:31 PM

Alternatively, you can add a reference like GANDALF_BUILDCOST_NEW and then drop the reference #define GANDALF_BUILDCOST_NEW at the top of the .ini file. Or in gamedata.ini. Whatever suits you best, really.

I don't get that, though. What's a reference? And would it work with that exact text?

1 - Just about everything with an # is a reference.

Gamedata doesn't do anything unless there is a matching #entry somewhere else.

Let's say I add this to gamedata


It won't do a single thing unless there is an exact match in the weapon.ini file.

2 - Yes, it should work with that text. Hell, it would work with this too



That would work fine too. Just picked something similar to everything else, lol. :p

Just keep in mind that if you put the # ref in the unit file, it has to be at the top before the Object WhateverUnit. Gamedata works too, obviously.

In Topic: Where to begin?

21 December 2008 - 03:09 PM

Friendly piece of advice: work on the mechanics first (spellbook, special powers, weapons projectiles, OCL) rather than details such as hp/cost/levels. Otherwise, you might end up trying to create/mod intrinsic sciences only to discover that Scavenger or any ElvenGifts/GandalftheWhite clone won't work and thus have to rethink your whole spellbook tree. Not mucho fun.

Guess I'm saying gamedata.ini is pretty much the last thing on your priority list. Great tool for testing, though.

Anyway... regarding your question:

Check the heroes' individual file. They probably don't use the # define gamedata reference anymore. These files are found in data/ini/object/goodfaction/units/gondor, data/ini/object/units/rohan or data/ini/object/evilfaction/evilfactionunits.

Then just CTRL-F Buildcost and punch in the value manually. Alternatively, you can add a reference like GANDALF_BUILDCOST_NEW and then drop the reference #define GANDALF_BUILDCOST_NEW at the top of the .ini file. Or in gamedata.ini. Whatever suits you best, really.

Saruman, Lurtz & the Nazguls are somewhere in the evilfactionunits files. Said file is specifically annoying to mod since they put everything together rather than divide its content.

As a bonus, here's a preemptive answer to a question you'll no doubt have. If you wanna add special powers/attributes to units, here's the files you'll most likely have to mod.

*Unit file*