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Member Since 12 Dec 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 31 2010 04:27 AM

Topics I've Started

King's Favor as a Spellbook power?

21 December 2008 - 03:24 PM

A bit of context...

Reinstalled the good ol' original BFME and gave modding a go. Managed to get just about everything to work just fine.

Now, the insane quantity of summons in the GOOD tree has always annoyed me. So I went and just removed the summon elves/rohirrim/armyofthedead spells. Kept them in the science.ini so that the AI would keep using them in the campaign, though. Did something similar with the evil faction by replacing the Balrog with a Nazgul & Sauron combo.

Anyway, adding/removing/modding science works fine. Needless to say, though, finding thematically appropriate replacements wasn't that easy for the good faction.

So I thought of throwing in a King'sFavor-like level 1 spell. Seemed like an appropriate companion to Heal. Problem is, it just won't work.

Attributemodifier only gives a bonus to gained exp, so this solution's out. There doesn't seem to be a spellbook/system.ini function a la Taint/Heal either. All in all, the experience bonus lines seem to be limited to special powers.

So, is it even possible to code such a power in the spellbook?