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Member Since 17 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2009 07:45 PM

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In Topic: Some beginner questions

24 March 2009 - 07:48 PM

Ah i understand better now, i thought the difference in difficulty was not only the ressource percentage, but the "responsivity" of the AI (out of the tweakable values from the Dawn of Skirmish AI panel of course) to your own moves.

So basically giving 100% of the ressource to the Easy AI would have it being the exact same as the Hard one ? (as long as the AI control panels are tweaked similarly)

Thanks for the precision.

In Topic: Some beginner questions

17 March 2009 - 11:15 PM

My focus in this thread on the renforcement was not really about difficulty, as i entirely agree with you that having the AI not renforcing its squad is freeing more ressources for it to build more different squads and tech up quicker to get an edge than the default DC AI just can't against the player.

But it was more about the feeling of epic huge AI charges i felt in DOW 1.0 when you had by example 2 Orks "simple" slugga squads running at you fully renforced with more than 25 orks, this feeling is not the same here when those 2 squads running at you will "only" feature 8 orks as the AI don't renforce their squads.

That's why i would like to increase a bit the ressource advantage by difficulty level, so i could find where to allow the AI to renforce their squad earlier without hurting their economy too much.
And so my problem is locating where to make my edits to achieve this goal, there are so many .lua .ai and .scar files really full of variables and other piece of code that even despite the very numerous comments, it is very overwhelming and difficult to find where those could be located.

In Topic: Some beginner questions

17 March 2009 - 09:00 PM

Just tried a hard difficulty skirmish in the same map and always SM vs Orks, the difference are obvious and the AI more brutal in its assault.
While during half of the battle, i noticed the AI was not renforcing the numerous squads, in the second half it did, as i guess having the normal (100%) amount of ressources going to it allowed for renforcing the squads.

The AI is crippled in lower difficulty settings.

As i noticed your nickname on the many .lua .ai and .scar i browsed trying to find it and unfrotunately failed ;) , i guess you are the one knowing it : where can i edit for my own usage this distribution of the ressources handicap by difficulty level ?
standard being supposed to be the "normal" setting, i find it wrong to leave the AI with only 80% of the ressources, as this should be on easy level.