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Member Since 17 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2009 07:45 PM

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Some beginner questions

17 March 2009 - 06:23 PM


I am very new to this Dawn of Skirmish AI mod.

So far i was only playing on the unpatched Dawn of War 1.0 (unpatched because as an offline gamer only, i quickly noticed the stock AI was becoming way less aggressive and so a very lot less enjoyable to me when i patched all the way to 1.51) skirmish mode.

Recently i acquired Dark Crusade and in skirmishes the AI was really mediocre in comparison to DOW 1.0, the AI is not aggressive anymore, often stay around without even attacking and obviously does not make it up for any kind of entertaining big battle i used to have in DOW 1.0 , so i patched all the way to 1.2 and did not really noticed any improvement.

So after searching a bit, i found that Dawn of Skirmish AI mod 2.6 that sounded really awesome from the description and enthousiast feedback i read about it.
After installing it, i was pleasantly surprised to see how way way much better it was than with the stock Dark Crusade 1.2 AI.

My first time on it, using my old favorite SM vs Ork setup on my prefered 1on1 "Meeting of Minds" and it got me surprised to see that the Ork first hero actually used his personnal teleportation, something even the good DOW 1.0 AI was unable to do, and the orks were often retreating when a battle was not going their way, interesting feature that allowed them to resist longer.

As the Dawn of Skirmish AI was said much more difficult, to see how it was in comparison to DOW 1.0 , i just set it to Standard difficulty thinking it could be equivalent to Hard of previously, and as usual played without using the AI exploit that crippled it, and just setup for the usual mid-map battles that were always enjoyable in DOW 1.0

There i noticed that each Ork squads attacking me or attacked by me were never renforced, they were always the basic 4 orks squad, that my renforced full SM squads always teared apart due to me actually always being more numerous that the Ork (weird when usually it is number that makes the Ork strong).

When it went all the way with me beginning the last siege of the Orks base, i was surprised to see some smart usage of stealthy gobs that helping those newly produced 4 units Nobz coming and coming helped the Orks to avoid complete destruction early (and the various towers he had put in the base forced me to reconsider the weaponry i was using), forcing me to actually use those recon skulls ( i usually never used against the DOW 1.0 AI that was unable of using smartly the stealth ability) to prevent my big SM army to be crushed by missiles coming from nowhere.

So my questions are :
-how can i force the Orks to actually renforce its squads, or does it renforce only in higher difficulty ?, it is a bit too easy to tear those Orks squad apart if they only use the default 4 units , especially when you renforce your own, outnumbering the orks easily.
Looking into the readme, i see no mention of renforcement being removed, apparently it is only for broken squad.

-i noticed on the FAQ :

FAQ9: What are the resource boni and mali of the various difficulty levels?

Insane: 140%
Harder: 120%
Hard: 100%
Standard: 80%
Easy: 30%

That could explain the AI stalling rather quickly in his attack capability in this standard difficulty test.
How can i change this bonus/malus system to give the AI more ressources than the ones quoted in the FAQ , i guess that's on one of the numerous lua or ai files, but which ones ?

Anyways, many thanks for creating this mod, it is such an improvement on Dark Crusade 1.2 AI, with the AI able to do things i never thought possible that i can't understand Relic not actually contracting you.