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Member Since 20 May 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 23 2024 01:29 PM

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In Topic: DoW 1 .sgb map file reverse engineering

24 March 2021 - 11:58 AM


EDIT:  I'm not able to run that guy's java program (the Advanced Map Editor).  I get a class not found exception.  That just shouldn't happen.  Could be a problem with the way the jar is packaged.  I'll try to figure the problem out when I have more time.

Just don't forget to share your solution or description about how to handle that issue in current times.


In Topic: UCS Ranges for all Projects

22 March 2021 - 08:26 PM

Excuse my question please,but allow to me guess.

Is it about making an another combiner mod of our races?


Although, I would be used a lot of things from Unification (A LOT), but in general, no. I want to change many things, and balance/gameplay of vanilla factions as well.
Take the Corncobman Fan Mod/ TWM / UA/ GiFR as examples.

But since UCS locals are global, I need my unique "range"

In Topic: UCS Ranges for all Projects

22 March 2021 - 05:29 PM

We only add a UCS range when the mod has to interact with all other faction mods - does this one? It seems like a re-balance mod like UA or FoK which is only used exclusively on its own and not touching outside/external projects. ;)

Even 15 years after release of 1st DoW - you still don't know how the Localization handled by engine

Each UCS file within entire game directory interact with others. 

Please, just reserve this range for my project. 


You can contact the original Codex guys.

Yet an another Codex mod seems superfluous if you ask me.


The name does not matter. It can be called "jONES NO-FUN mod" instead.

In Topic: Problem with squad_loadout_ext: data\attrib\squadtrooper\squad...

21 March 2021 - 03:43 AM

In Corsix Mod Studio you even can execute scripts over existed RGD files. The examples are provided.

In Topic: Is there a way to remove the unit health modifiers given by the difficulty se...

21 March 2021 - 03:41 AM

It is coded somewhere in attributes or in company settings, as far as I remember