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Member Since 01 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 09 2010 02:54 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New Models

13 March 2010 - 11:41 AM

Excellent ideas!! Well designed as well, like the flame general air unit especially. Hope they are added to the mod.

In Topic: Contra 008-009 Changelog Topic

01 December 2009 - 06:11 PM

Will Challenge mode return in version 008? I really hope it is. :shiftee2:

In Topic: Imma stealin' ur techz!

22 November 2009 - 09:56 PM

When are you updating the unit description of the stolen tech page? New units look good especialy smart ivan, though if ivan crazyness was what made him good at his work not brains!!!

In Topic: Nuclear General Question

01 November 2009 - 05:19 PM

1) A fixed nuclear cannon for an advanced long range defence
2) A rad turret which spews out radiation which kills infantry near instantly and damages vehicles over time

It will turn Tao into turtle general like Alexander. I don't want it to happen. The point is to make mobile general who uses super weapons to support his ground forces.

And by the way, I have another idea for nuke general - Apocalypse Device. It is like super weapon, but not actually a super weapon. Its cost and build time is close to Nuke Storm - about 10000-15000 of money and 4-5 minutes build time. Reload time - about 5-6 minutes. Armor - 2 times higher than Nuke Storm has. And so, you've built it and loaded it. You can activate it, but you can not set a target. It does not destroy the area you want. It destroys the area around itself the following way: it launches 7 nuclear missiles into air. Each missile falls down and releases 7 warheads. So, you have 49 nuclear explosions which level everything in large area. Apocalypse Device is destroyed too. If you play on a small map you can destroy absolutely everything on it including your own base.

How to use it? You can build it near enemy base or between 2 enemy bases and defend it with all costs. Then activate it and win instantly. But enemy will notice it sooner or later and will try to destroy it. So, you will have interesting and stressful battle.

If you think this way is better then ok, i will just adapt to survive. It realy like to is the Apocalypse Device but i think that due to the cost to build and the difficulty to utilise effectivly, it may not be used much by nuke generals players.

In Topic: Nuclear General Question

24 October 2009 - 08:06 PM

The nuke storm is the strongest super weapon in cnc mods history.

Armageddon nuke in destructive forces. :p

never seen that one,and then i am sure nothing beats 13 nuke missiles :p

i agree with madin, the armageddon doesn't only totality obliterates a base, it also send shock waves that do damage to anything across the map.
Check this video at youtube: