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Member Since 01 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 09 2010 02:54 PM

Topics I've Started

Nuclear General Question

23 October 2009 - 04:24 PM

First of all great mod! AI bit difficult but manageable.
I was wondering why the nuclear general doesn't have any base defences? It is a great disadvantage for people using him since they will most likely, as myself, relay on the nuclear storm or silo in their stratagems and in need to defend them until their ready.
If the nuclear general will remain without base defences, what is a good defence for him? since it like to see the nuclear storm in action but i cant find a way to defend my base while a wait for it to get ready.
Keep up the good work

An Idea

01 June 2009 - 04:32 PM

Love MO. I think it is one of the best mod i played. Keep up the good work!!! Can't wait for the next update!!
I had the idea of a new Allied Unit: The Gap Generator Boat (sill thinking of a good name for it). I think this will add new sneaky tactics for smart commanders e.g a combination of allied battleships or aircraft carriers and the gap boat for besieging a base from sea. The opponent wouldn't see it coming!! :p

And/Or a ultra heave unit for the Allies like the Centurion of the Soviet. Like "Project Satan", a big mech on trends sporting a large prism cannon on one hand and a chaingun on the other. A weapon of last resort and final reckoning for the Allies. Maybe a new German special unit since it can be a new invention of Einstein and the Germans having a good knowledge of tanks.