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Member Since 19 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active May 17 2006 10:23 PM

Topics I've Started

Mod seeking playtester...

15 August 2004 - 10:22 PM

Alright, here's the deal:

I'm making a (crappy) mod that will eventually become a Sci-Fi TC.
So far there is one new faction, and the other factions are still there for playtesting purposes.
This faction, built from 98% existing Generals\Zero Hour models, is around 75% complete and needs a beta tester... badly.

What I'm seeking is fairly simple:
In return for a once-a-month 3 hour or so beta testing, getting out bugs, balance issues, missing strings and giving me ideas, you get to play my mod as it goes from teh suck to teh mediocre.

Anyone interested can contact me at NVShacker@planetblackandwhite.com, or of course, reply here.

Thankyou for your thought and consideration, as a gift:
Posted Image

Ranger Builder- Possible? [Zero Hour]

19 July 2004 - 01:28 AM

Ok, I've created a new faction, added some strings and colored a bit of the interface and am now proceeding to work on the builder unit. It is a ranger who keeps his gun (No flash-bangs\capture though) and I'd like to use him to build. I've added a power plant build for a test, but it remains grayed out. He also can't finish building things started by the dozer. I know I need to fix some upgrade stuff, I can do that, if you wouldn't mind telling me how he could build. As you'll see, I tried to add an active_build, or whatever animation to no effect: