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Member Since 05 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 17 2010 01:30 AM

Topics I've Started

GDI & Nod airforce (0.20v)

23 February 2010 - 08:32 PM

2 new air units will appear in the 0.20 version:
GDI Dolphin - a counterpart of Harpy
Nod Piranha - a counterpart of Orca

2 other new air units, already added in previous versions, are Stingray and Orca Interceptor (Interceptor is made by Tyler Adams), both equipped with a strong EMP discharge (2 ones, to be exact).

Below screenshots of Stingray, Dolphin and Piranha (respectively).

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0.15 version - Forgotten, screenshots

22 February 2010 - 03:47 PM

3 buildings added:
Ion Charge Collector made by LKO
Research Facility
Forgotten Quarters

1 infantry unit enabled:
Umagon from the campaign mode (she got C4 + she's much faster now)

Shots below.

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0.15 version - CABAL, screenshots

21 February 2010 - 12:50 PM

3 buildings added:
CABAL Tech Lab and Crystalisk made by LKO
Head of CABAL created by Stingerr

1 infantry unit added:
CABAL Revenant made by IceDragon200

Shots below.

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0.10 version - screenshots & updates

17 February 2010 - 12:17 PM

4 new units added:
GDI Sniper made by Blubb
GDI Spy created by Denmon0728
Nod Shotgun Trooper made by Denmon0728
Nod Medic made by Denmon0728

Shots, respectively:

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0.05 revised version & newer ones

17 February 2010 - 12:42 AM

0.05 revised version changes:
- Claw Tank made by Firestorm (FS) deleted
- GDI Light Tank created by RLY_BiG_Tank deleted
- Tail bomber made by Daz deleted
- Demon's Eye and Flame Tank made by Holy_Master deleted
- GDI Hover Tank created by mtkii2 (and its turret by Havoc) deleted
+ Nod Stingray aka Nod Interceptor added
| Tiberiodactyl, Behemoth, Triton, Stalker and Venom Prime created by LKO (Lin Kuei Ominae) kept
| Gemini Street Watcher made by Lin Kuei Ominae & Corsair kept
| Nod Arachnid made by RLY_BiG_Tank kept

Tiberium Tale will keep TS style of cameos & models, new interfaces are more or less possible. A campaign may be impossible to make due to a lack of time. ;-)

But everything can happen in coming days.