We could go on to have another half dozen exchanges with the same amount of length as we already have, and i would have been glad to. But it seems the entire subject is derailed and hijacked with one that, while interesting to read, should be in the general discussion forum. Not the community suggestions where i post in answer to the question " Would would you like to see in PR? " I dont mean to be shitty about it, but this is another reason i despise the forum setting of communication. And forums are always used in the same regard- Like you i also prefer to write on subjects with inconsistent data and sources as an essay. With well presented fact, as much of the original source material as possible and then make a statement that is in line with those facts. In absence of that- state the best logical conclusion possible. But were talking about a line of ships where we can make factual conclusions and there is no need for a hypothetical one. Should you care to continue the conversation, i would as well. There is also a large absence of any other interest and support of this request. I can be reached at DEWillmore@msn.com. If you already have these things worked out for 2.0 then i have been making requests with supporting understandings of them as a moot statement to begin with.
Either way, i do look forward to your next installment.
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In Topic: From Passenger liners to Rebel Front Liners.
20 September 2009 - 06:06 AM
In Topic: From Passenger liners to Rebel Front Liners.
17 September 2009 - 07:35 AM
I do not mean to post this as an argumentative and hope it does not appear that way. My original posting was in concern to a request which is in the third portion of this post. I hope i am not alone in this request and would encourage anyone else who feels the same to weigh in.
As to the MC-120 Independence, the logic behind its alpha numeric naming is well thought out. I had previously read the thread on the concept of naming based on tonnage. I also thought it creative and well derived as an original observation. My designation as the MC-85 Home One class is based almost soul on its original purpose and subsequent militarization being before one project and after another has begun. I took a fair portion of yesterdays free time to read your links and to try and locate the story of Home One origins. But for the life of me i can not. Home one and two sister ships were in dockyard and under construction at the time of Dak's Imperial Woes. The now common enough and highLY successful line of individually built passenger liners had given a vast amount of wealth to begin the construction of the " Home Class? " trio. These ships were described as nearly three times the size of the Galaxy Class Luxury Star Liners previously built( Our civilian MC-80 passenger liners to which retrofits into Reef Home, Liberty, and Chatnoir were sprung ). Their purpose was to be a home away from home on a voyage beyond the outer rim into unknown space to settle and colonize new worlds, Carrying all that is needed to do so with them on the way, as the Moncal peoples were looking to escape the troubles of the core worlds. It also noted that Home One kept her civilian designation as her wartime designation. As Moncal freedom was one again at hand the unwished trio of ships were from that point on completed as warships. During that time the Wingless which we have derived as MC-80 Reefhome cruisers were built en mass. When Home One was operational there were 13 converted star liners protecting the home world from future imperial aggression. As to Home one Or Independence being built first? I have no definitive answer.
As to Home One being another MC-80 and 1200 meters? Poppycock i fully concur. That opinion is in my mind, derived from poor viewing of Return of the Jedi. When we see them for the first time in sullest. We get a sweet rear view of two wingless cruisers. With different diameters, and vary different engine alignment. Anyone quoting Home One as just another MC-80 would tell you there was a winged and wingless cruiser in ROTJ. Not three distinctly separate classes. As she is clearly not an MC-80 but built before and inferior in battle by comparison to an MC-90 i would place her smack in the center of that alpha numeric specification.
Ships built after what we see in the final film, are the MC-80a with little time wasted. And after that the MC-80b. Interesting to note the A was also a retrofit of the same base star liner series as the Liberty and Reef Home classes. While the B was a purpose built warship to engage and destroy the Imperator Class Star Destroyers from its inception on paper. It followed on an enhancement present in the MC-80 Liberty class, that is the extra structure left and right of the ship allowing for the weapons to have a shared forward firing arc and not being forced to broadside with a partial payload like the Reef home and MC-80 a Chatnoir class's. As well as its superior shield and weapon systems. (That more time consuming overhaul with the liberty is why i reason there were fewer of them in number compared to the Reef home.)
As to the Chatnoir it was in x wing vrs tie fighter first was it not? When ever ive seen stats for these ships only the B has an advanced weapon count compared to the other three. Even though source by source the four ships vary - when they are all four listed in any given source. The Liberty and ReefHomeare normally listed ( winged and wingless ) as well as the Mc-80a Chatnoir in having identical firepower shield and hull. ( Maybe the Chatnoir turned out to be alot cheaper than the other two, does anyone know the storyline reasoning behind it coming about? ) So i figure to agree with the only place i had seen the MC-85 Battleship series listing, as logical due to both the timeline of construction. And the notoriety of the ships capability. Being above the 80's but below the 90's ( as i imagine Ackbar agrees having upgraded to an MC-90 as his flag ship when first available to do so ) But in closing your logic and reasoning is pretty admirable for the MC-120 Independence classification. I find nothing that can decisively dispute it, and its as good a theory to operate with as any. For what its worth you have my full support in this regard even though it is un asked.
The True purpose of my original post was to request the inclusion of the MC-80a Chatnoir class, and the MC-80b Mon Remonda class cruisers. Pertaining to the cookies and cake, they remain on the table. I have been playing your mod since the fighter addon was released. I have lived in several countries and out of necessity became quite a fantastic cook. But my baked goods.. Leave much to be desired. And with two days having passed, i would not eat those cookies anyways.
You mentioned the future evolution of your MC-80 Reef Home to play a role similar to the Tector. It did not sound as if you are greatly changing her battle performance, which would be a shame as she is practically a Liberty Class by all rights. As to a balance gap being filled and a Rebel Capital ship hunter/killer role, isn't the MC-80b Mon Remonda ideal for that vary purpose? I would ask you consider that trade. I greatly enjoy taking in my MC-80's and republic star destroyers to conquer the well defended worlds. But even then, multiple Liberty and Reef home on the screen does limit the variety.. Should you see fit to add the Chatnoir in the mix, even if all three are militarily the same in game play. The multitude of models would greatly enhance my gaming experience and enjoyment. I am assuming that will be greatly shared by others( not to imply i am truly left wanting, as the GFFA campaigns have been completed numerous times on my end. ) With Ackbar and a Mon Remonda as the big guns in that arrangement i would truly be ecstatic. And feeling the rebel purge of imperial space like no other star wars game has been capable of delivering.
Respectfully, DeLos
As to the MC-120 Independence, the logic behind its alpha numeric naming is well thought out. I had previously read the thread on the concept of naming based on tonnage. I also thought it creative and well derived as an original observation. My designation as the MC-85 Home One class is based almost soul on its original purpose and subsequent militarization being before one project and after another has begun. I took a fair portion of yesterdays free time to read your links and to try and locate the story of Home One origins. But for the life of me i can not. Home one and two sister ships were in dockyard and under construction at the time of Dak's Imperial Woes. The now common enough and highLY successful line of individually built passenger liners had given a vast amount of wealth to begin the construction of the " Home Class? " trio. These ships were described as nearly three times the size of the Galaxy Class Luxury Star Liners previously built( Our civilian MC-80 passenger liners to which retrofits into Reef Home, Liberty, and Chatnoir were sprung ). Their purpose was to be a home away from home on a voyage beyond the outer rim into unknown space to settle and colonize new worlds, Carrying all that is needed to do so with them on the way, as the Moncal peoples were looking to escape the troubles of the core worlds. It also noted that Home One kept her civilian designation as her wartime designation. As Moncal freedom was one again at hand the unwished trio of ships were from that point on completed as warships. During that time the Wingless which we have derived as MC-80 Reefhome cruisers were built en mass. When Home One was operational there were 13 converted star liners protecting the home world from future imperial aggression. As to Home one Or Independence being built first? I have no definitive answer.
As to Home One being another MC-80 and 1200 meters? Poppycock i fully concur. That opinion is in my mind, derived from poor viewing of Return of the Jedi. When we see them for the first time in sullest. We get a sweet rear view of two wingless cruisers. With different diameters, and vary different engine alignment. Anyone quoting Home One as just another MC-80 would tell you there was a winged and wingless cruiser in ROTJ. Not three distinctly separate classes. As she is clearly not an MC-80 but built before and inferior in battle by comparison to an MC-90 i would place her smack in the center of that alpha numeric specification.
Ships built after what we see in the final film, are the MC-80a with little time wasted. And after that the MC-80b. Interesting to note the A was also a retrofit of the same base star liner series as the Liberty and Reef Home classes. While the B was a purpose built warship to engage and destroy the Imperator Class Star Destroyers from its inception on paper. It followed on an enhancement present in the MC-80 Liberty class, that is the extra structure left and right of the ship allowing for the weapons to have a shared forward firing arc and not being forced to broadside with a partial payload like the Reef home and MC-80 a Chatnoir class's. As well as its superior shield and weapon systems. (That more time consuming overhaul with the liberty is why i reason there were fewer of them in number compared to the Reef home.)
As to the Chatnoir it was in x wing vrs tie fighter first was it not? When ever ive seen stats for these ships only the B has an advanced weapon count compared to the other three. Even though source by source the four ships vary - when they are all four listed in any given source. The Liberty and ReefHomeare normally listed ( winged and wingless ) as well as the Mc-80a Chatnoir in having identical firepower shield and hull. ( Maybe the Chatnoir turned out to be alot cheaper than the other two, does anyone know the storyline reasoning behind it coming about? ) So i figure to agree with the only place i had seen the MC-85 Battleship series listing, as logical due to both the timeline of construction. And the notoriety of the ships capability. Being above the 80's but below the 90's ( as i imagine Ackbar agrees having upgraded to an MC-90 as his flag ship when first available to do so ) But in closing your logic and reasoning is pretty admirable for the MC-120 Independence classification. I find nothing that can decisively dispute it, and its as good a theory to operate with as any. For what its worth you have my full support in this regard even though it is un asked.
The True purpose of my original post was to request the inclusion of the MC-80a Chatnoir class, and the MC-80b Mon Remonda class cruisers. Pertaining to the cookies and cake, they remain on the table. I have been playing your mod since the fighter addon was released. I have lived in several countries and out of necessity became quite a fantastic cook. But my baked goods.. Leave much to be desired. And with two days having passed, i would not eat those cookies anyways.
You mentioned the future evolution of your MC-80 Reef Home to play a role similar to the Tector. It did not sound as if you are greatly changing her battle performance, which would be a shame as she is practically a Liberty Class by all rights. As to a balance gap being filled and a Rebel Capital ship hunter/killer role, isn't the MC-80b Mon Remonda ideal for that vary purpose? I would ask you consider that trade. I greatly enjoy taking in my MC-80's and republic star destroyers to conquer the well defended worlds. But even then, multiple Liberty and Reef home on the screen does limit the variety.. Should you see fit to add the Chatnoir in the mix, even if all three are militarily the same in game play. The multitude of models would greatly enhance my gaming experience and enjoyment. I am assuming that will be greatly shared by others( not to imply i am truly left wanting, as the GFFA campaigns have been completed numerous times on my end. ) With Ackbar and a Mon Remonda as the big guns in that arrangement i would truly be ecstatic. And feeling the rebel purge of imperial space like no other star wars game has been capable of delivering.
Respectfully, DeLos
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